The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Remembering my time on Justicequest and reddit - a trip down memory lane

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Remembering my time on Justicequest and reddit - a trip down memory lane Empty Remembering my time on Justicequest and reddit - a trip down memory lane

Post by redpill Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:33 pm

this is history a trip down memory lane

I was banned for a short time on crimeshots, from posting new threads but I could still send pm.

During that time I told Inspector Rex via PM that i found another forum to discuss Jonbenet, justicequest

While on justicequest i stated in my sig that I have a theory as who killed Jonbenet by name

Throughout my time there I posted new threads discussing case linage analysis and crime scene reconstruction. Many posters urged me to reveal the name of Jonbenet's killer.

Some posters threaten to call the police and FBI on me if I didn't immediately reveal the name of Jonbenet's killer.

During that time I met an old IDI from the netherworld, Athena, who is also on the Jonbenet wiki

Athena stated she was originally RDI but then switched to IDI and she actually briefly discussed Daubert standard. My posts and discussions of Daubert is much more than hers.

I told Athena I'm IDI and Athena said she thinks someone previously mentioned killed Jonbenet.
iirc Bill Reynolds or someone like that.

Inspector Rex also debated several RDI posters during his short stay on justicequest

After about 3 weeks on that forum after statements that I must release the name of Jonbenet killer or else there would be consequences I said

I believe Jonbenet's killer is Mr. Cruel.

I was immediately and promptly banned from justicequest. iirc I lasted 3 weeks there.

One poster said she was RDI said my Mr Cruel theory was fascinating and while she didn't think it was right, she's never heard of the creep and wanted to know more. Of course I was banned so I couldn't reply. other posters chimed in thinking i'm a loon and crazy and a nut, and clearly the parents murdered Jonbenet and covering it up.

Inspector Rex was there with me on justicequest when this all went down. He sent me a pm saying he doesn't believe the Mr Cruel theory.

Yeah well he's an actual home invading pedo who was never identified so

not the end of the story, i was pissed with how i was treated so i complained to the admin who upheld my banning from justicequest

after i was banned plenty of justicequest posters called me an idiot and said nasty things about me. i sent an email to the admin of justicequest I want all my posts on Mr. Cruel all my posts on justicequest deleted as they contain highly offensive posters and they decided to bann me. The admin of justicequest refused.

I then complained to the company that hosts justicequest directly and they replied


We have been advised by a visitor to your web site
that such web site contains content that is alleged to be untrue, offensive, slanderous, harassing or controversial in nature.

Accordingly, please remove such content within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to delete such content within such period will result in termination of your website.  The notice we received is below.

As you may know, we are a web hosting company. We are not responsible for the content or links posted by our customers who create and place content on websites that we host. We further do not "monitor" the websites that we host or prescreen the content placed by customers on their sites. However, when we become aware of allegations of improper activity by one of our customers using a hosted site, which would be a violation of our Terms of Service (TOS) governing the web sites, we take such situations seriously, investigate promptly, and take appropriate action. "

the admin at justicequest complied and my threads were removed, when justicequest was open to the public.

I do think justicequest moderators and admin banning me was unprofessional, as I am willing to discuss and answer questions about my Mr Cruel theory, including similarities between Mr Cruel's known crimes and the Jonbenet crime scene. Justicequest said their forum was to discuss the Jonbenet case and all perspectives were welcome.

I actually did email boulder LE and FBI and Australia taskforce spectrum and Melbourne police in Australia that i think Mr Cruel traveled to Boulder Co and murdered Jonbenet. I got no reply from FBI and Boulder LE, and Melbourne LE said they have no plans to investigate my theory. I also emailed boulder LE and FBI i think OCCK murdered Jonbenet and again I got no reply.

Additionally, understanding how an intruder like Mr Cruel actually operates is useful in understanding what an intruder would do in the Jonbenet case.

As soon as I said, I believe Jonbenet's killer was Mr. Cruel, I was immediately and promptly banned, on Justicequest.

iirc i told this to Inspector Rex at the time it happened. He wound up here, where he is bff with anti-K.

Inspector Rex's threads on justicequest are still there i think, but

justicequest is now hidden from public view.

on reddit /jonbenet i posted my Mr Cruel theory and many complained to the moderator who then pm said he received many complaints, agreed it is total crap,  and i was prompty banned from reddit and all my Mr Cruel murdered Jonbenet threads on reddit was deleted.

I resigned on reddit, only this time i'm on survivor and starwars reddit.

rootlesswriter if you're reading this

I see rootlesswriter cross posting my threads on reddit /jonbenet and he hasn't been banned yet.

i was going to tell goodsouthernsense on reddit i know you are cynic. you know who i am?
i told superdave to tell you to come to crimeshots and you replied you only want to talk about real people. let's talk about delmar england and cina wong and idi vs rdi. but either him or other posters got me banned from jonbenet reddit.

rootlesswriter i've seen many posters come and go, from Inspector Rex and Rupert, to now TracyB and murdermysteryreader

as Luke Skywalker said on Last Jedi,

Remembering my time on Justicequest and reddit - a trip down memory lane Hamill10

I will never train another generation of J-IDI. I came to this blog to die. It is time, for the J-idi to end.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

Posts : 6367
Join date : 2012-12-08

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