The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:31 pm

Fri Aug 10, 2018

autobiography of redpill

i went to a catholic elementary for kindergarten and first grade.

in first grade my first "girlfriend" georgina, so to speak.

we wore standard catholic uniform, i remember my mother getting the requirements from school.

as a boy i had to wear a white button shirt and navy blue pants. i remember going to stores with my mom and asking them if they had navy blue. at the time i thought navy blue was actually black in color.

girls had to wear blouse and a green white and black checkered skirt

my first grade teacher was a nun we had school prayer and we were lead in prayer by "father"

this girl named georgina who was sort of olive skinned, i don't know what her ethnic background was, maybe italian, or greek or even maybe indian, she had dark brown hair, eyes and olive complexion

she said and i'm not sure if she was serious or not, that i'm her boyfriend. she just told me i'm her boyfriend.

i had no idea what that meant.

once upon a time i went to mcdonalds, i really loved mcdonalds as a kid, esp the french fries, and i ordered from a teen girl.

out popped georgina seemingly from nowhere. she told me that the teen girl who works for mcdonalds was her older sister. i saw with my own eyes it could be true as she also had dark brown hair, eyes and olive complexion. she looked like a taller teenage version of georgina

so that's quite an age gap. her older sister was at the time a teen girl working at mcdonald's

she and i were both kindergarten and first graders. typically age 5 and age 6. i imagine her sister was at least 16.

georgina told her older sister that i'm her boyfriend. her older sister laughed said how cute.

here's the twist.

georgina loved saying i'm her boyfriend, that's the label she put on me.

what that meant to her, was she literally took her two hands and put on my neck and squeezed.

i said stop why are you doing that? she said because you're my boyfriend.

being georgina's boyfriend to her meant she could basically choke me, putting her hands around my neck and start choking *me*


she said that's what girls do to their boyfriends. this what girls do when they have boyfriends.

yeah i thought then and now.


not kissing. not petting. not having sex. but taking her two hands and wrapping it around my neck and squeezing.

i told her i dont her thinking me as her boyfriend anymore and she said no, it's her decision and she decided i'd be her boyfriend.

i don't know where she got the idea from. in second grade i transferred to a public school and i never saw georgina again, though i did return to the mcdonald's again and again. i don't recall seeing her older sister.

this story is 100% true, autobiography of redpill and i have a class photo from kindergarten and first grade

Rolling Eyes

i wonder what she's doing now and whether her idea of boyfriend continued along the path of choking them by the neck with her bare hands.

i also wonder if she got the idea from her older teenage sister or maybe parents or something.

oh i remember asking her so can i put my hands around her neck, she said that's not what boyfriends do. it's what a girl does to her boyfriend. but boys don't do that to girls.

having a girlfriend for georgina was kinda one sided like this.

i wonder if there's any possibility georgina, gen-xer is reading this and remembers all this.

but i still remember being choked by her in the name of being her boyfriend.

her thoughts as a 5 year old of what girls and boys do when they call boyfriend is getting her hands around my neck and squeezing.

georgina if you're reading this and you and correctly names me, the name of the catholic school and city, and name of our nun teacher and several of the students in the school then i know it's her in an instant
it's been perhaps 40 years since we met.

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:58 pm

This is a pretty sweet story...


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:56 pm

searchinGirl wrote:This is a pretty sweet story...


i do wonder what if i stayed at that catholic school and grew up with my cohort

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:17 pm

She would have probably stopped choking you at some point.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:20 pm

searchinGirl wrote:She would have probably stopped choking you at some point.

yeah... i told her to find someone else she can call a boyfriend pale

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:16 pm

This is amusing... I’m sure Georgina went on to get herself choked somewhere along the line. And perhaps changed the direction of her life. She most likely got the idea from her sister, or watching a movie or both. She obviously saw something she didn’t understand.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:26 pm

searchinGirl wrote:This is amusing... I’m sure Georgina went on to get herself choked somewhere along the line. And perhaps changed the direction of her life. She most likely got the idea from her sister, or watching a movie or both. She obviously saw something she didn’t understand.

since she had an older teen sister who worked at mcdonalds i think she got the idea of having a boyfriend from her.

since she was way too young for puberty though i doubt she had any hormonal feelings.

but where she got the idea of squeezing my neck i have no clue.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:10 am

When I was seven I was being chased home after school by a future serial killer. At least I got an update on the guy watching Forensic Files one night. And then things made sense. Maybe Georgina will show up on Wives with Knives one day. And then you’ll know.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:16 am

who was this serial killer?

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:37 am

Hadden Clark. One of his crimes was covered on FF S3 ep 9. He killed a young woman and then wore a wig to her bus stop pretending to be her as a decoy. The other was a little girl who lived nearby whose father was originally blamed. The guy terrorized me as I recall. I watched him catch and eat a fly right in front of me. He was weird.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:15 am

searchinGirl wrote:Hadden Clark. One of his crimes was covered on FF S3 ep 9. He killed a young woman and then wore a wig to her bus stop pretending to be her as a decoy. The other was a little girl who lived nearby whose father was originally blamed. The guy terrorized me as I recall. I watched him catch and eat a fly right in front of me. He was weird.

i remember that case.

it was like the bennett family an intruder case

single artificial blonde hair in victim's hair brush

single palm print on pillow case

i once intended to talk about it and the bennett family murder in terms of intruder forensics and JonBenet Ramsey

before my apprentice superdouche banned me in my sleep

now i'm following mollie tibbetts

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:42 am

This book is the story of a little girl that was killed in my hometown when I was in High School. It is still unsolved, although the author makes a connection to a boy who killed his family around the same time, or within a year. It was the first time I read anyone making a possible connection to Clark. I guess Clark confessed to unsolved crimes to get the FBI to take him on field trips but none of them bore fruit. Supposedly Clark is also a cannibal. If you want to read this book perhaps I can make a pdf of it. I would love to find out what happened to Mary Mount.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:11 pm

i've never heard of this case, are you from connecticut and then moved to boulder colorado?

i prefer documentaries, are there any documentaries on this case?

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:33 pm

I don’t know of any documentaries about Mary Mount, nor have I seen any about John Rice, the guy that killed his family. Before moving to Connecticut, I lived in Bethesda MD where Clark’s murders took place much later. I think the Clarks lived there too before moving to CT as well. My mother was on some welcoming committee. And so, the situation was forced, more or less. Hadden had something wrong with his legs from birth and so, he wasn’t too hard to run away from. He was a big problem in school if I remember right. He wasn’t there long.

I went to college in North Carolina. While there, my folks moved to Cleveland OH. Cleveland never really felt like home and after college, I moved to Boulder.


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in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means Empty Re: in first grade georgina told me i'm her boyfriend and what that means

Post by redpill Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:10 pm

searchinGirl wrote:I don’t know of any documentaries about Mary Mount, nor have I seen any about John Rice, the guy that killed his family. Before moving to Connecticut, I lived in Bethesda MD where Clark’s murders took place much later. I think the Clarks lived there too before moving to CT as well. My mother was on some welcoming committee. And so, the situation was forced, more or less. Hadden had something wrong with his legs from birth and so, he wasn’t too hard to run away from. He was a big problem in school if I remember right. He wasn’t there long.

I went to college in North Carolina. While there, my folks moved to Cleveland OH. Cleveland never really felt like home and after college, I moved to Boulder.

i have a On the Case with Paula Zahn documentary a different time season 17 episode 3

about barbara rowan Pennsylvania august 3, 1984

i've seen it but i've not got around to posting it.

i was going to eventually. forensic files is over but documentaries like this discuss forensics

here the most important forensics was tape, duct tape.

i was going to create a project tricia griffith rebutttal tape in jonbenet vs tape in barbara rowan

if i ever get around to it. i plan in the near future to post more autobiography of me

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