The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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forumsforjustice websleuth cynic we would be honored if you join us

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forumsforjustice websleuth cynic we would be honored if you join us  Empty forumsforjustice websleuth cynic we would be honored if you join us

Post by redpill Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:35 pm

Thu Jul 25, 2019

forumsforjustice websleuth cynic

we've not spoken since well since SD was alive, since i was on websleuth

you're among the last of that group which included me, you tadpole SD holdontoyourhat,

i know tadpole is still active.

we actually spoke on reddit you are goodsouthersense before i got banned.

in the spirt of

forumsforjustice websleuth cynic we would be honored if you join us  Cvjwr10

you can join me at jonbenet reddit or you can register and come here.

forumsforjustice websleuth cynic we would be honored if you join us  Dv_rnd10

i've been expecting you.

on reddit if i see goodsouthersense i assume it's you but i'll verify.

cynic hasn't been taken here. Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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