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Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers*

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Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers* Empty Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers*

Post by redpill Tue Feb 18, 2020 1:53 pm

Tue Feb 18, 2020

this post contains spoilers Australian Survivor all stars

I'm watching Australian Survivor all stars for one and only one reason,

Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers* Mv5bmm10

she's funny. i like her personality. good looking to.

anyhow, Moana wanted her out and Pheb got enough votes so it went to fire making challenge.

I thought Phoeb who is a lawyer going against Lydia an Olympic skier, is a goner.

strictly speaking i don't think there's any reason to think either is advantaged in fire making,

but Phoeb's a blonde so i thought she was doomed.

well she won. and stays in the game.

i waited several years wishing to see Phoebe back in the game and she almost got eliminated.

but she remains.

had she been eliminated i'd still watch Australian survivor but it'd be much less fun without her.

nothing compares to her. I love you

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers* Empty Re: Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers*

Post by redpill Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:09 pm

Phoebe you told Dave you found idol clue at cake Neutral

kelly wentworth shows the power of keeping idols a secret

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers* Empty Re: Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers*

Post by redpill Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:51 pm


If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers* Empty Re: Australian Survivor season 7 near heart attack *spoilers*

Post by redpill Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:17 pm

and Flick to Rolling Eyes

watching David SITH Phoebe was hard to watch Sad

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

Posts : 6344
Join date : 2012-12-08

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