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Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages

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Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages Empty Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages

Post by redpill Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:50 pm

Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:36 pm

i was premed once time in college and reading of this

Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages Scree252

here are 3 pages of her suicide note

Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages 112
Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages 210
Dr. Leigh Sundem learning from her suicide note 3 pages 310

as a note,
Dr. Leigh Sundem wanted her suicide to be a lesson for others and she WANTED her suicide note published by Dr. Pam Wibble, who has made her mission to discuss physician suicide.

I think if there's a message in all this,

if you have a felony conviction and enter medical school, you may graduate and earn an MD, but residency programs will not accept you.

Graduating from medical school gives you an MD and you can be called a doctor.

but to get a license you need to do residency, and if you have a felony conviction, you most likely will not be accepted into residency. and you will have $300k in debt with $250k in student loan debt which generally cannot be discharged through bankruptcy.

I think the issue of a felony conviction and residency should have been worked out BEFORE she started as a Premed, and that she should perhaps pursue another career track where her felony wouldn't be an issue.

I think the worse case scenario in a college (other than say a crime like rape or school shooting) is Dr. Leigh Sundem scenario.

Dr. Leigh Sundem studied hard, made many personal sacrifices scored 99% MCAT 4.0 science GPA organic chemistry, 4 years of medical school and 3 years of 1- year internships no medical license $300k in debt single ending in suicide. No

I think the best case scenario for some college students would be a very pretty girl majoring in the easiest major in a state college, an easy major like sociology or psychology with no math or science, only spends a couple hours a week studying spends rest of her time partying and traveling and studying abroad, parents pay for college so no student loan debt, then marries a rich guy.

Dr. Leigh Sundem ever consider her prior felony conviction would create problems for her down the road at residency and matching?

If you're premed with a felony conviction, you can see how this turned out for Dr. Leigh Sundem.

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