The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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heather coffin and jonbenet

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heather coffin and jonbenet Empty heather coffin and jonbenet

Post by redpill Sun May 04, 2014 2:59 pm

heather coffin was found murdered in her home while her parents slept. so it was like jonbenet in that respect.

her killer originally was upset with heather's father, but when he saw her he decided he wanted to have sex with her instead.


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heather coffin and jonbenet Empty Re: heather coffin and jonbenet

Post by yk robert Sun May 04, 2014 4:28 pm

Thanks Redpill for pointing this case out--
One might say there was more evidence left at the Ramsey case than this one-- The Ransom Note
This one would likely have been solved earlier if it was as popular as the Ramsey case, depending on what kind of twist the media put on it.
Every thing is there but an RN-- Everything that happened over the 16 years , including the Father being made out to be the killer. One would think RDIs could learn form this one, and not be so quick to hang the Ramsey's .
It doesn't say how investigators got the preps DNA ,as he was not in a data base--- This is what needs to be done in the Ramsey case, collect a sample from those that are not in a data base.
yk robert
yk robert

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heather coffin and jonbenet Empty Re: heather coffin and jonbenet

Post by redpill Sun May 04, 2014 4:41 pm

yk robert wrote:Thanks Redpill for pointing this case out--
 One might say there was more evidence left at the Ramsey case than this one-- The Ransom Note
  This one would likely have been solved earlier if it was as popular as the Ramsey case, depending on what kind of twist the media put on it.  
Every thing is there but an RN-- Everything that happened over the 16 years , including the Father being made out to be the killer. One would think RDIs could learn form this one, and not be so quick to hang the Ramsey's .  
 It doesn't say how investigators got the preps DNA ,as he was not in a data base--- This is what needs to be done in the Ramsey case, collect a sample from those that are not in a data base.

well my theory of course is that we would need to collect mr cruel suspects in down under to find it.

with heather coffin though they found semen, they didn't have dna but they did have abo blood grouping and it was not a match.

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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