The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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your destiny lies with me my journey from unsolved mysteries part 1

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your destiny lies with me my journey from unsolved mysteries  part 1 Empty your destiny lies with me my journey from unsolved mysteries part 1

Post by redpill Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:27 pm

way back in the early 1990s i watched unsolved mysteries

i didn't vcr vhs tape it, i saw it as it was presented i forget what channel.

once, and only once, i saw them feature a story on dana point jane doe.

they used a pretty teen blonde actress to portray a teen girl at 3am in the morning calling for a taxi. taxi picked her up, dropped her off at dana point, she walked to the cliff top, climbed a safety fence, jumped, and was found dead early in that morning at sunrise. they found a purse titled carol l pinkham but when they went to her house, the woman said she didn't know who the deceased was. that was that.

robert stacks asked a variety of questions like who was she? why did no one claim her? no leads.

this is a picture of a scene from that re-enactment
your destiny lies with me my journey from unsolved mysteries  part 1 Une_jane_doe4

ive not seen that photo from that scene since sometime in the early 90s.

so i thought about it. at that time. i speculated.   then forgot about it. she remains an unidentified jane doe to this day.

robert stacks has a creepy voice i love. he ends perhaps you can solve a mystery.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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