The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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What do you think of secret visit from Santa, and who is Santa, killer or incidental?

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What do you think of secret visit from Santa, and who is Santa, killer or incidental?  Empty What do you think of secret visit from Santa, and who is Santa, killer or incidental?

Post by redpill Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:56 am

PMPT Account. "Barbara Kostanick was the mother of a playmate of JBR's. She asserted: "The day before Christmas, JonBenet was at our house playing with Megan. The kids were talking about Santa, getting all excited. I asked JonBenet if she had visited Santa Claus yet. She said, “Oh, Santa was at our Christmas party the other night.” Megan had seen Santa at the Pearl Street Mall, so we talked about that. Then JonBenet said, “Santa Claus promised that he would make a secret visit after Christmas.” I thought she was confused. “Christmas is tonight,” I told her. “And Santa will be coming tonight.” “No, no” JonBenet insisted. “He said this would be after Christmas. And it’s a secret” (Schiller 1999:38-39).

Bill mcreynolds was tested for dna and cleared by dna

cnn wrote:Two days before JonBenet Ramsey died, Bill McReynolds played Santa Claus at her home. After her death, investigators instantly became curious about McReynolds and his wife Janet, who had played Mrs. Claus.Aug 23, 2006

CNN also reported investigators investigated over 150 some suspects with connections to Ramseys, and took over hundred DNA samples and all cleared.

The kids were talking about Santa, getting all excited. I asked JonBenet if she had visited Santa Claus yet. She said, “Oh, Santa was at our Christmas party the other night.” Megan had seen Santa at the Pearl Street Mall, so we talked about that. Then JonBenet said, “Santa Claus promised that he would make a secret visit after Christmas.”

I have 2 theories, one Burke invited a friend over, this friend was at the party Jonbenet was referencing, could be a teenager from boy scotts, or neighborhood friend. no forced entry. Burke allowed this friend, who was at this party that Jonbenet was at, and allowed him in

my other theory is she got a phone call, from someone claiming to be santa claus, and even claiming he was at the party or same person at the party, when he was not. a similar MO was the case with Amy as i discuss in my blog.

third possibility is it is incidental or maybe jonbenet had a premonition such as a dream.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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