The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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An Aussie webseluth RDI offers evidence MR. Cruel wrote the Ransom note

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An Aussie webseluth RDI offers evidence MR. Cruel wrote the Ransom note Empty An Aussie webseluth RDI offers evidence MR. Cruel wrote the Ransom note

Post by redpill Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:14 pm

from time to time i visit my old padawan SD-wan over at websleuths.

I was reading this thread

Ransom note analysis
omega wrote:

I think that too much as been made out of the use of the word “hence”. I’m Australian, so I’m not completely aware of the American usage of this word, but I use it all the time, especially when writing.

ransom note says hence.

omega is aussie and says hence all the time.
mr cruel is aussie.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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