The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note is missing

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 Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note is missing Empty Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note is missing

Post by redpill Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:12 am

cherokee of forumsforjustice had written a 3-page thread Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note

its missing. its gone. i suspect it is now on their private forum.

oh well. cheers

but there was a thread on by cherokee with that title.

ive actually studied forensic linguistics and forensic handwriting so i am her counterpart for idi. unlike her ive actually studied forensic linguistics and forensic handwriting. i asked superdave to discuss but then he ran away and when he came back he got me banned hahaha

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