The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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looks like removed cherokee's handwring lingustic "analysis"

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looks like removed cherokee's handwring lingustic "analysis" Empty looks like removed cherokee's handwring lingustic "analysis"

Post by redpill Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:02 pm

once upon a time,
there was a post on cherokee "analysis-of-the-linguistics-and-handwriting-in-the-ramsey-ransom-note-"
cherokee wrote:
this is a direct response to " Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note" by by Cherokee, September 21, 2005, 5:42 pm Wed Sep 21 17:42:26 to be found here

cherokee posted it
September 21, 2005, 5:42 pm Wed

i argued

me wrote:
Cherokee did not even do the most rudimentary research which is to visit wikipedia. I'll spell it out right here, Cherokee did not perform a competent forensic document examination, and did not do the most elementary research. Just in the intro, she fails to demonstrate the most rudimentary understanding of science and of forensic document examination, and she gets her facts wrong. There is zero scientific validity in her findings. Her conclusion that Patsy wrote the ransom note has zero scientific credibility.

if forumsforjustice was committed to "justice", they would remove her "analysis" as plain wrong and misleading.

seems like they somehow actually visited this forum and removed her "analysis". so from 2005-2015 it stood for 10 years before finally being removed.

not sure how they know about my blog except through search engine results.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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