The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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looks like cherokee handwriting linguistics non-expert removed her sig claim as well

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looks like  cherokee handwriting linguistics non-expert removed her sig claim as well Empty looks like cherokee handwriting linguistics non-expert removed her sig claim as well

Post by redpill Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:15 pm

cherokee used to have a sig, which is at the bottom of every post
cherokee wrote:
As soon as the ransom note was matched to Patsy's handwriting and linguistics, the Ramseys distanced themselves from it and have refused to talk about it since! The ransom note is the one verifiable link to JonBenet's killer, and the Ramseys want nothing to do with it! Why? The answer is obvious!

it has since been removed.

the ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards has a standardized 9 point scale

9 point scale

1) Identification
2) Highly probable did write
3) Probably did write
4) Indications did write
5) No conclusion
6) Indications did not write
7) Probably did not write
Cool Highly probable did not write
9) Elimination

only 1-2 could be described as a match

there are only 6 handwriting experts who meet the daubert standard, that is, they are ABDFE who examined the originals. That includes Chet Ubowsoski

"Chet Ubowski of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation concluded that the evidence fell short of that needed to support a conclusion that Mrs. Ramsey wrote the note. (SMF P 197; PSMF P 197.)" (Carnes 2003:26, note 14).

Speckin Findings.

Speckin's report stated: "When I compare the handwriting habits of Patsy Ramsey with those in the questioned ransom note, there exists agreement to the extent that some of her individual letter formations and letter combinations do appear in the ransom note." (Epstein Deposition (p. 138:9-14) "When this agreement is weighed against the number, type and consistency of the differences present, I am unable to identify Patsy Ramsey as the author of the questioned ransom note with any degree of certainty. I am, however, unable to eliminate her as the author." (Epstein Deposition (p. 138:25 through p. 139:1-6).

Richard Dusak

Dusak Findings. "Richard Dusick (sic) of the U.S. Secret Service concluded that there was "no evidence to indicate that Patsy Ramsey executed any of the questioned material appearing on the Ransom Note." (SMF P 200; PSMF P 200.)" (Carnes 2003:26, note 14).

Qualifications. Dusak is a member of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners. According to ABFDE: "The American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE) is the only certifying board sponsored by the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, the Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences, The Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners, the Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners, and is recognized by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences."

Edwin F. Alford, Jr.

Alford Findings

Alford asserted: "Examination of the questioned handwriting and comparison with the handwriting specimens submitted has failed to provide a basis for identifying Patricia Ramsey as the writer of the letter."
Alford Qualifications. Alford is a diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners

Lloyd Cunningham

Cunningham Findings.

No Significant Similar Characteristics. "Lloyd Cunningham, a private forensic document examiner hired by defendants, concluded that there were no significant similar individual characteristics shared by the handwriting of Mrs. Ramsey and the author of the Ransom Note, but there were many significant differences between the handwritings. (SMF P 201; PSMF P 201.)" (Carnes 2003:26, note 14).

Howard C. Rile, Jr.

Rile Findings. "Howard Rile concluded that Mrs. Ramsey was between "probably not" and "elimination," on a scale of whether she wrote the Ransom Note. (SMF P 202; PSMF P 202.)" (Carnes 2003:26, note 14). This also is confirmed in Epstein Deposition, p. 150:6-9).
Qualifications. Rile is a member of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners, the only professional certifying organization in the profession.

the conclusions of these 6 is
Patsy Ramsey
7) Probably did not write
Cool Highly probable did not write

which contradicts
cherokee wrote:
As soon as the ransom note was matched to Patsy's handwriting and linguistics, the Ramseys distanced themselves from it and have refused to talk about it since! The ransom note is the one verifiable link to JonBenet's killer, and the Ramseys want nothing to do with it! Why? The answer is obvious!

add in forensic linguistics by Gerald McMerminin

"Patsy is eliminated as the author"

if Cherokee had done her due diligence she would have consulted with actual forensic linguistics textbooks, not make something up.

in conclusion, handwriting of the 6 ABDFE who examined the ORIGINALS

Patsy Ramsey
7) Probably did not write
Cool Highly probable did not write

conclusion of forensic linguistics
9) elimination

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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