The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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history of Jonbenet-Tracy Neef same killer theory part 2

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history of Jonbenet-Tracy Neef same killer theory part 2 Empty history of Jonbenet-Tracy Neef same killer theory part 2

Post by redpill Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:57 am

history of Jonbenet-Tracy Neef same killer theory part 2 20101015__16dcakimw_300
history of Jonbenet-Tracy Neef same killer theory part 2 JonBenet7007

on 06-19-2009, 04:12 PM i posted
Tracy Neef murder sounds oddly familiar

SuperDave replied as did roy23 tadpole makai

then Old 01-09-2011, 08:05 PM

Recognize this girl? Do they look similar?

superdave once again replied, but said
sd wrote:
The bottom one is JB, no question. I don't know who the other one is.

so how long have you been researching this case?

Since Day One, man.

What is the point to all of this?

at least one poster thought it was same girl

hippo wrote:
I'm wondering if both are JonBenet? It occurs to me that I have only seen one picture of her where she did not have makeup on and her hair fixed up.

She didn't look like the same person. I must say, that if I saw JonBenet walking down the street without makeup, I would never know it was her.

fairm from UK

Spinlord - see my previous post- am I right? am I right???!!!

fairm who lives in the UK knows tracy neef, whereas none of the RDI including SD do not.

which shows that for someone who has followed it he has never researched other child murders in co.

if superdave and the rdi had researched other child murders in Co, they would come across news articles with tracy neef with photos, and yes rupert, she does look like jonbenet. hippo said as much. the fact superdave and the rdi do not recognize tracy neef means they did no such research.

a lot of ws rdi claim that if jonbenet was killed by a pedo, why hasn't he struck again? answer, there was no intruder!
ofc, if they did basic research, they would know about tracy neef, and she was murdered by strangulation as well.

before inspectorrex, before mama, there was statusquo, fairm "blue"

looking at this thread
crawler Rainbow doober smurf hippo jpcamaro70  weirdo named jeeves

i wonder what happened to them

fairm seemed to recognize tracy neef. none of the other posters including statusquo doober hippo did not.
the oldest threads have a slew of posters i've never seen on cs.

superdave hunted down and banned the last of the JIDI knights.

when gone i am, the last of the jidi will u be.

pass on what you have learned.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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