The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey still active on websleuths

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 Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey still active on websleuths Empty Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey still active on websleuths

Post by redpill Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:20 pm

i am surprised a thread i posted voynich, 09-19-2009 01:29 AM Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey still active on websleuths is still active on websleuth with 12 pages 282 posts.

clip long since deleted but here is a snip still on yt

you know re-watching that 3 minute clip after all that has happened from 2009 i admit it is hard to imagine an intruder arriving at the R's in the middle of winter, in the middle of the night. mr cruel is one of the few that would not be detered by this.

i know they found fibers consistent with cord on jonbenet's bed. i think he had already met on jonbenet in the kitchen by the door, killed jonbenet and then came upstairs to her bedroom, and that is when cord fibers were transferred, or perhaps the cor fibers resemble fibers from other cords already present in jonbenet's room from say a present or yo-yo.

Poll Poll: PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement
Started by voynich, 08-31-2009 12:40 AM

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