The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA

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Post by redpill Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:51 pm

Sun Apr 21, 2019


What a Face

i learned something new today

I just watched

Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks

Murder on the Rocks

Murder Decoded
Published on Apr 20, 2019
After ranchers spot the body of a teen girl brutally beaten on a riverbank, deputies conduct countless interviews to no avail. Years pass until cutting-edge technology helps police lift DNA from the murder weapon and zero in on an enraged killer.

I've never heard of this case before

in 1995 Crystal somethiung ow witch near salt lake city Utah

 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA 338d2010
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in 1995 they knew of DNA but DNA testing produced no profile

in 2008 they did have DNA by testing the rocks found at the crime scene, which  had victim blood on it

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but only got a partial DNA profile, and no match in CODIS vai Sorensen forensics DNA lab

they obtained DNA via swabbing with a qtip

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this is about the same time frame as Mary Lacy and DNA on Jonbenet's longjohns

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at this point, how does this 1 unknown male DNA profile, a partial DNA profile in 2008 with no match in CODIS compare with DNA in The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

what is its evidentiary value?

well they looked at several suspects including her boyfriend and a taxi cab driver and they were excluded, much like the Ramseys'

in 2013 the new thing i learned

this guy like Mary Lacy was watching the news

 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA E626f610

a new DNA extracting tool

mvac system

 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA 9dc6b710

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 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA 475cf210

they RETESTED the rocks at the crime scene, including re-testing the rocks that had a partial DNA via swab in 2008

 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA D461d610

they way they explained what made mvac superior is they used sterile water, under high pressure, and then suction it up, and then get 30 times more DNA, enough to get a complete DNA profile.

they mvac the rocks found at the crime scene and obtained 1 complete DNA profile,  nearly 20 years after the original crime,
which they entered into CODIS and got a hit.

suspect moved from Salt lake city utah to Florida

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Joseph Simpson
 Murder Decoded S01E03 Murder on the Rocks & The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey intruder DNA Dc0ce010

based on this documentary, I surmise,

the original 1997, just 2 weeks after Jonbenet's murder, DNA profile was from the blood drop found in Jonbenet's underwear and under her fingernails, which was a partial DNA profile but consisted but mixed.

in 2008 BODE using the qtip method found additional DNA profile on Jonbenet's longjohn's

in 2018 a new round of DNA testing was done, and I have no doubt Mvac or something similar was used, and more items were tested.

these results have not been released,

i have no doubt using mvac the DNA found on Jonbenet will show the intruder profile more clearly, esp in combination with other DNA technqiues like Y- STRs and mitochondrial dna.

but according to actual qualified DNA experts, this DNA evidence is evidence of an intruder.

i suspect after obtaining a complete DNA profile from Jonbenet, or multiple DNA profiles, they are performing a genelogical DNA analysis to identify suspects.

the RDI nutjobs you find on tricia griffith's websleuth and forumsforjustice are way behind in science.

you've been redpilled Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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