The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Forensic Files II Season 1 Episode 14 and JonBenet Ramsey

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 Forensic Files II Season 1 Episode 14 and JonBenet Ramsey Empty Forensic Files II Season 1 Episode 14 and JonBenet Ramsey

Post by redpill Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:06 pm

Mon Apr 06, 2020

I've been watching Forensic Files II

for those who do, intruder theory is the only possible conclusion with The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

Forensic Files II Season 1 Episode 14

featured a white male in missouri i forget his name, who was shot and killed in Missouri, Saint Louis.

it turns out his wife lied about having only a $5k insurance policy when it was actually $750, 000

and he had a gay lover in kansas city, so they met half way in Colombia for gay sex.

his wife was the prime and only suspect.

they tested his clothing for DNA via touch DNA, and in his back pants pocket and found a mixed profile, DNA of victim and unknown profile, no match into CODIS.

in 2007 they couldn;t do it but they could some time later.

is this evidence?

a black guy i forget his name but his last name was white was arrested for forgery and when they entered his DNA into CODIS it matched.

the DNA said secondary transfer was possible to so they investigated and his partner in crime confessed.

he was charged convicted and sent to prison without parole for first degree murder. this was a standard robbery.

so when you read RDI claim, without proper qualifications, that DNA is not evidence of an intruder,

have them watch Forensic Files II Season 1 Episode 14

suppose they found via touch DNA an unknown male DNA profile in JBR's back pocket, is that evidence?

RDI is pure ignorance and Forensic files shows why

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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