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Catholics for Choice I think ex-Catholics for Choice is more honest

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Catholics for Choice I think ex-Catholics for Choice is more honest  Empty Catholics for Choice I think ex-Catholics for Choice is more honest

Post by redpill Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:42 pm

Catholics for Choice

What We Do
We shape and advance sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to a person’s well-being and respect and affirm the capacity of all people to make moral decisions about their lives.

Our Case for Support
Help us give a voice to the millions of Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports one's right to follow their conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.

Support from prochoice Catholics and allies has made Catholics for Choice the most effective counterpoint to the vocal, well-financed and powerful Roman Catholic hierarchy, which presents itself as the sole moral arbiter on matters where sexuality and reproduction intersect with religion and faith.

Since our founding in 1973, we have served as a resource for partners in the U.S. and around the globe, using our knowledge of the church to advocate for sexual ethics that are grounded in justice and gender equity and for genuine religious freedom and access to reproductive health care. We honor what is best in the Catholic tradition, while also working to dismantle the ways in which the church’s harmful doctrines influence global health and human rights policies.

This work is as urgent as ever, and we need your help to continue making real, sustainable progress in the fight for reproductive freedom for all.
Support Our Work
Help us build a world where everyone is free to follow their own conscience.
Donate Now

“I was raised Catholic but struggled a great deal with the church hierarchy’s position on things like abortion, women’s equality and marriage. Then, I found a group called Catholics for Choice. I learned that I am a good Catholic because I question these positions, and because I follow my conscience. Because I follow my conscience even when it calls me to take a contrary view.”

— Polly Denison, Iowa

The Catholic hierarchy’s disproportionately powerful lobby plays a massive role in influencing public policy and affects everyone―Catholic or not―by limiting the availability of reproductive health care services. This crusade is virtually worldwide, affecting North, Central, and South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe—wherever the church has a significant presence.
Battles are fought on numerous fronts:

• in legislatures, where bishops pressure policymakers to restrict access to contraception and abortion and deny the right to same-sex marriage;

• in the expanding network of Catholic hospitals, where bishops’ edicts prevent access to essential care, including contraception, gender-affirming surgery, assisted reproduction and abortion care, even if it is needed to save a pregnant person’s life;

• in the United Nations, where the Catholic hierarchy uses its permanent observer status to oppose contraception and comprehensive sexual education;

• in the public square, where priests and bishops have denied prochoice Catholics communion and other sacraments; and

• in the courts, where the bishops and their associates—well-funded, right-wing politicians and legal organizations—use legal action to limit access to health care services and discriminate against LGBTQ people based on a distorted definition of religious liberty.

not a single word mentioning Jesus the Bible or the 10 Commandments

is a Catholic supposed to support reproductive ethics or Jesus Christ?

what would Catholics for Choice say or do if Jesus appears and said he is 100% against abortion ?

we know that answer

I think ex-Catholics for Choice is more honest

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

Posts : 6216
Join date : 2012-12-08

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