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Ice cream shop owned by a middle age woman in Madison Wisconsin my life

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Ice cream shop owned by a middle age woman in Madison Wisconsin my life Empty Ice cream shop owned by a middle age woman in Madison Wisconsin my life

Post by redpill Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:58 pm

Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:48 pm

I want to share a moment in the life of redpill.

Once upon a time, I visited Madison Wisconsin.

Now I'm just an average looking guy sadly.

I entered an ice cream creamery shop in Madison Wisconsin, and there was a middle age white female, and I talked to her a bit and she overed me free ice cream which I accepted. She also let me use her own personal bath room.

kinda sweet.

Madison Wisconsin is home to the largest University in state of Wisconsin.

a bit later 2 smoking hot sorority looking white girls came in and asked the owner if they could use the restroom and this happened in front of me

now, if i were the owner I'd say hell yeah.

but the owner actually told them she doesn't have a PUBLIC restroom sorry. I smiled and looked down as I just used it.

I smiled and thanked her and left.

I'm thinking wow. If I were the owner, I wouldn't give some random guy free scoop of ice cream in a cone and let him use the restroom, but I absolutely would consider doing it for 2 hot sorority looking girls. She did the opposite.

I have thought about moving to Madison Wisconsin.

Madison Wisconsin when I visited also had a store that specialized both in comics and Dungeons and Dragons and had boys playing D&D there.

so this is a moment in the life of redpill. Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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