The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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re CliffTruxton I believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by her father, John Bennett Ramsey.

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re CliffTruxton I believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by her father, John Bennett Ramsey. Empty re CliffTruxton I believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by her father, John Bennett Ramsey.

Post by redpill Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:25 pm

Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:22 pm

On reddit I see many references to this

I believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by her father, John Bennett Ramsey.

Posted by
1 year ago
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CONCLUSION: The Boulder Incident - Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey, and Why.

It’s only possible to betray where loyalty is due.

-Muriel Spark, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Q. Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?

A. I believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by her father, John Bennett Ramsey.

Q. Why?

A. To prevent their family from finding out he'd been molesting her.

Q. That's a big accusation.

A. It is, yeah.

Q. How did you arrive at that conclusion?

A. First I ingested as much of the evidence available as I could, making sure to vet everything out because there’s so much misinformation out there. This was the most time-consuming part. I performed a deductive analysis of the available evidence from the autopsy, and descriptions, photos, and video walkthrough of the scene (the scene being the house), and in so doing, I found that the most likely scenario was one where JonBenet’s murderer was someone she knew and trusted. I analyzed the ransom note and noticed that it must have been created either by Patsy or by someone who knew her well, and that the instructions create opportunities for John that they don’t create for anyone else. I created a matrix of the story everyone’s telling and observed that it has a high number of characteristics consistent with a story where at least one person is telling the truth, and also observed that in this story there’s only one person whose motivations would be consistent all the way through if they were involved in the murder at all. The final straw for me was a visualization of the way John carried her upstairs, holding her away from his body. It’s a position that would be wildly unexpected for a parent who just discovered his dead daughter but it makes absolute sense for a parent who already knew what he was going to find down there and that she had urinated when she died, and he was trying not to get any on him. He was demonstrating pre-awareness and the ability to have an informed reaction. In almost any other case I can think of, I think the shock of seeing your baby dead would override cleanliness concerns. It wasn’t just that one thing, though - it was how it fit into everything else.

Toward the end of this post, there's a link to the timeline that I think happened on the night of December 25th, 1996.

Q. Did you look at other possibilities before landing on him?

A. I did. I looked at just about every combination of possibilities, including an intruder, and sooner or later every possibility hit a wall besides this one. I believe strongly in not accusing a person of something until I’m highly confident I’m right. I would not want another person to do that to me and I will not do it to another person. In John’s case, I noticed it after a while and then I focused on trying to prove to myself that John did not murder her. I think a good way to solve a mystery is to take your best hypothesis and try hard to prove yourself wrong. I could do this with every other configuration. I could not do it with John. Once I realized that, I examined the rest of the data I had and, in contextualizing it, it became clear what had happened, who had done it, and why.

Q. What about the ransom note? Didn't Patsy write it?

A. I don’t think she did. I agree that it looks like she did, and I believe I understand why. If we weren't looking at this in the context of a murder, I'd probably think she wrote it, but I don't.

First, it’s important to be clear about what the actual findings of forensic graphologists were. They ruled out everyone but Patsy, but what this meant in practice was that on a scale of one to ten, with one being “did not write the note”

a simple visit to wikipedia

Graphology is the analysis of handwriting with attempt to determine someone's personality traits. No scientific evidence exists to support graphology

there's no such thing as forensic graphologists

re CliffTruxton doesn't know what he is talking about

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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