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"The crisis in American girlhood" vs my own personal observation

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"The crisis in American girlhood" vs my own personal observation Empty "The crisis in American girlhood" vs my own personal observation

Post by redpill Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:17 pm

Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:01 pm

in the news there are articles such as

"The crisis in American girlhood"

Stark findings on the pervasive sadness, suicidal thoughts and sexual violence endured by teen girls have jolted parents and the wider public

The New York Times
Record Levels of Sadness in Teen Girls, CDC Reports
Adolescent girls reported high rates of sadness, suicidal thoughts and sexual
violence, as did teenagers who identified as gay or bisexual.

Fox News
We're in trouble with teen girls: Dr. Marc Siegel analyzes CDC's
'shocking' teen mental health report
Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel reacts to the CDC's report showing an
increase in violence, sadness and suicide risk in teenage girls...

since my generation came of age in the 90s, I've heard similar reports such as Mary Pipher Reviving Ophelia and Naomi Wolfe The Beauty Myth

Abigail Shrier reports the same thing in Irreversible Damage with the twist that today's teen girls are resorting to transitioning from female to male, into transboy

for Abigal theory she's listed as trans-phobic, for example by GLAAD

Abigail Shrier - GLAAD › gap › abigail-shrier
Abigail Shrier. Wall Street Journal Opinion Columnist. —Appeared at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Equality Act, raising hypothetical questions ...

I live close enough to a high school I see teen girls running track and cross country in spring and fall on a regular basis.

I see teen girls in malls, theaters, libraries, book stores, grocery shopping, Costco Walmart Target etc.

I just don't see this "sadness" and "depression"

they seem happy to me.

I understand this may not be representative of all teen girls but I don't see teen girls, especially attractive teen girls, being unhappy. I can understand fat and ugly teen girls not being happy. I'm short and not particularly athletic though I do try to maintain basic health and fitness.

I see pretty teen girls, in spring and fall, wearing home coming and prom dresses with their teen male prom dates and they seem happy and photogenic.

So I am "skeptical" that at least pretty teen girls who are healthy being sad and depressed. and I think that ugly or fat or unhealthy teen girls have something to be sad and depressed about.

as far as teen girls transitioning to teen boys, well,

"The crisis in American girlhood" vs my own personal observation Screen92

I would have never guess the boy on the right is the same person as the girl on the left.

a teen transboy would probably register for me as a boy so I have no idea how many teen girls are transitioning to become a boy. Abigail Shrier is putting out numbers like 10-15% which sounds really high, in today's youth. Could be true I have no way of telling.

today's "The crisis in American girlhood" was also headline news when i was a teenager by Mary Pipher in the 90s and I just don't see it. The teen girls I knew when I was a teen who were healthy and attractive seemed fine to me.

if so many teen girls are having a mental crisis, why do I see them playing sports? Why do I see them grocery shopping or milling about in malls. There are plenty of instagram photos of teen girls partying or having social events or doing fun things.

I remain skeptical about this mental health crisis, though I don't know how many female to male transboys there are.


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