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white female animal attacks

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white female animal attacks Empty white female animal attacks

Post by redpill Tue May 16, 2023 1:08 pm

Tue May 16, 2023 1:07 pm

I read the news n yahoo and I saw something that pique my interest white female animal attacks

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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white female animal attacks Empty Ella Reed 13

Post by redpill Tue May 16, 2023 1:20 pm

Ella Reed 13

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white female animal attacks Ella-r10
white female animal attacks Shark-10

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white female animal attacks Shark110

white female animal attacks Scree101

white female animal attacks Scree566

Anna Kaplan, TODAY
Mon, May 15, 2023 at 10:21 AM CDT·2 min read

A 13-year-old girl bravely fended off a shark in the waters off of Fort Pierce, Florida, and is recovering after the attack left her with bites on her torso, arm, finger and knee.

Ella Reed lives across the street from the beach but found herself face to face with what she believes was a bull shark for the first time on Thursday.

“I remember just breathing really heavily, and then when it latched on to my stomach, not being able to breathe at all because I was just like, ‘What the heck is happening?’” Reed said in an interview on "TODAY" on Monday.

The rising eighth-grader said she blocked the shark with her arm after she felt it bite her stomach. She then said she yelled for her friend swimming nearby to head for safety — before fighting the shark off again.

“It bit me in the stomach first. And right as it bit me in the stomach, I shoved my arm where it was biting me so it didn’t get my stomach and it got my arm instead,” Reed said. “Then I hit it with my other hand, like hit its nose or its face.”

Reed said she got out of the water and FaceTimed her brother to get help, as she didn’t think her mother was home. Her mother, Devin Reed, said on "TODAY" she initially didn’t think her daughter was being serious.
Ella Reed received stitches in her torso and leg after a shark attack in the waters near her Florida home last week. (TODAY)

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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