The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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RDI + family friend accomplice would explain the forensic evidence

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RDI + family friend accomplice would explain the forensic evidence Empty RDI + family friend accomplice would explain the forensic evidence

Post by redpill Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:18 am

RDI + family friend accomplice would explain the forensic evidence

after the White Party the R's pick up a family friend, a friend of one of the R's, and invite him over. him, b/c the DNA on JB is reported to be male. it could be a business associate of John, or a teenage boyscout friend of Burke.
could be friendly neighbor.

overnight Burke Ramsey kills Jonbenet. Horrified by what happened, the R's ask their friend, with no criminal history, to help stage the scene, write the RN, handle JB's clothing, and carry out the unsourced items.

they do this to protect Burke's future, and the accomplice DNA is what is on JB's longjohns. no forced entry.

LE did invite Burke for additional interviews, which he declined. Doesnt seem Burke wants this killer found.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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