The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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intruder or inside job of JonBenet Ramsey using science, scientific reasoning, scientific evidence

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intruder or inside job of JonBenet Ramsey using science, scientific reasoning, scientific evidence Empty intruder or inside job of JonBenet Ramsey using science, scientific reasoning, scientific evidence

Post by redpill Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:38 pm

I'm writing this on Friday July 28, 2017

of the tens of millions of RDi out there, has any RDI poster ever suggested a radical idea

in deciding between an inside job or intruder

approaching Murder of JonBenet Ramsey using science, scientific reasoning, scientific evidence


first, determining which evidence found at the crime scene is scientific evidence

determining which expert witnesses meet Daubert standard for scientific reliability

using scientific reasoning, scientific methodology science that has been successfully applied in other forensic cases with comparable evidence

and then using science to draw the conclusion

was Jonbenet murdered by an intruder or inside job?

so to give some examples,

is it science when a con artist and fraud docG of solvingjonbenet says an intruder has no reason to write a ransom note therefore we can exclude an intruder.

is this science? is it based on scientific knowledge and scientific reasoning?

is it science when con artist trasha griffith relies on cina wong to prove patsy wrote the ransom note?

is it science to say patsy was suffering from psychosis and murdered Jonbenet in a fit of psychosis and everything in the crime scene was by patsy for patsy?

is it science to say it's illogical to place the ransom note on the stair case?

is it science to say Patsy wrote it to explain why there's a dead kid in the basement

is it science to rely on dna, fiber, shoe print, hair, all unsourced to the crime scene?

what is and is not science, and once scientific evidence is identified, apply scientific reasoning to deduce the best explanation for how UNSOURCED evidence got there.

this is of course far beyond the capabilities of any RDI.

how would a scientist using scientific reasoning scientific methodology and scientific research on the evidence found at the crime scene?

what qualifies as a good scientific explanation?

what is the difference between science and non-science?

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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