The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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The question no RDI on any forum asks, which speaks volumes of their ignornace

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The question no RDI on any forum asks, which speaks volumes of their ignornace Empty The question no RDI on any forum asks, which speaks volumes of their ignornace

Post by redpill Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:07 am

Like a Star @ heaven

Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:55 pm

there's  the question no RDI on any forum asks, which speaks volumes of their ignorance

A question like Neo queries

The question no RDI on any forum asks, which speaks volumes of their ignornace D01ec410

It is the question that drives us. It is the question that brought us here

What is the matrix?

The question in the Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

that resolves the issue between RDI and IDI, in favor of IDI

What is the Daubert standard?

and some specific series of questions that follow include

How do you apply the Daubert standard in the Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey investigation.

What makes an expert witness qualified under Daubert

Which specific experts witnesses are qualified under Daubert in in the Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey investigation

What is the testimony of these qualified expert witnesses under Daubert

Is expert witness testimony under Daubert evidence?

Are the qualified expert witnesses testimony under Daubert evidence that supports the parents did it, or intruder.

the red pill

Daubert rises and RDI dominated

What a Face

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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