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philosophical friday with redpill what is freedom and the left

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philosophical friday with redpill what is freedom and the left Empty philosophical friday with redpill what is freedom and the left

Post by redpill Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:43 pm

Fri Jun 29, 2018

time for philosophical friday with redpill

what is freedom, and what is freedom esp. in the USA?

due to a spate of recent supreme court decisions, there has been much commentary.

i saw this one

“The court thinks this law is an attempt to trample the 1st Amendment by targeting crisis pregnancy centers,” said Michele Bratcher Goodwin, director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy at the UC Irvine School of Law. “But if the court was ideologically positioned to actually take seriously the health, values and concerns of women, it might have read differently what this state has done.”

Abortion-friendly California has the lowest maternal mortality rate in the country. And there is a reason for that: California values the lives and autonomy of women. It respects the important role that family planning plays in their emotional, physical and financial health.


We seem to be in a moment where a majority of justices on our nation’s highest court believe that a person’s religious belief is to be honored regardless of the harm it inflicts on others. (Particularly if the others are gay and/or women.)

The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for two men is Exhibit A. Yes, it was a narrow ruling by the court, and applicable only to the facts of that particular case, but let’s face it, the decision gave bigots a big boost.

In 2014’s Hobby Lobby case, the court ruled that closely held corporations can deny their female employees contraception coverage, whether their religious objections are based on fact or mere conjecture. So, for instance, even if a boss wrongly believes that Plan B, a form of emergency birth control, works by inducing an abortion, he or she can refuse to cover that form of birth control. Never mind that Plan B works only to prevent conception, it’s the belief that counts.

“This court has not been friendly to the constitutional and legal interests of women,” said Goodwin, in what may be the understatement of the decade.

similar statements are about the recent SC course on Janus vs AFSCME  

historically the left in the form of communism of stalin, mao, marx, pol pot fidel castro, etc have used totalitarian manes of enforce their view of a perfect society on everyone, restricting their freedom

when it comes to the

The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for two men is Exhibit A. Yes, it was a narrow ruling by the court, and applicable only to the facts of that particular case, but let’s face it, the decision gave bigots a big boost.

you mean free speech and freedom?

if a baker doesn't want to create a wedding cake featuring homosexuality, shouldn't he have the freedom to do so?

he is a private business owner and he decided to bake wedding cakes.

if a homosexual or jew wedding caker owner refuses to bake a wedding cake for christians, do they have the freedom to do so?

in  Janus vs AFSCME  

if a worker, in this case Janus doesn't want to pay union dues and wants to opt out, shouldn't he have the freedom to do so.

yes i'm aware that this is potentially disastrous for unions, the biggest supports of the democrats.

but imagine this, what if unions were the biggest supporters of republicans, and pushed a prolife and traditional family agenda, and a homosexual union wanted to opt out of paying union dues?

the case as it actually stated is Janus didn't want his union does supporting his leftist union.

isn't forcing a worker who does not want to be in a union a form of coercion? and freedom is the option not to pay union dues.

after all you can go to a church and opt not to pay the church any money

In 2014’s Hobby Lobby case, the court ruled that closely held corporations can deny their female employees contraception coverage, whether their religious objections are based on fact or mere conjecture. So, for instance, even if a boss wrongly believes that Plan B, a form of emergency birth control, works by inducing an abortion, he or she can refuse to cover that form of birth control. Never mind that Plan B works only to prevent conception, it’s the belief that counts.

i actually think health insurance should go to a single player system. historically employers were tasked to providing health insurance, but what if due to injury or some personal issue you don't find employment?

so i do favor universal health care and that includes free contraceptives and abortion. healthcare is one thing i think should be socialized.

"crisis pregnancy centers" i don't know what goes on in there. but if a group of prolifers want to volunteer to help prollife women dealing with a crisis pregnancy by financially supporting her, the first amendment does say we have a right to free association.

my understanding of what freedom is, the freedom not to be coerced to paying union dues, freedom not to bake a gay wedding cake, freedom for prolifers to support prolife women with an  unwanted prengancy, is far removed from the Left's who want to claim "discrimination" and harmful effects.

it seems clear the left wants to force wedding cake bakers to create gay wedding cakes even if it violates that baker's religious beliefs, or forcing workers to join a union they don't want to join, pay a fee that they don't want, and that union then supports prochoice democrats they don't agree with, to be sort of the antithesis of freedom,

with hobby lobby, i think a better system is that religious business owners can opt out of insurance, and instead the government provides it.

in fact i think the government should provide free basic health care to everyone. those who want something better can pay for it.

regarding the gay wedding cake example,

i've always been highly suspicious of leftists atheist intentions. esp in how communism and socialism actually turned out.

would you rather this wedding cake baker have a good job, paying taxes, provided goods and services such as cakes, hiring employees, paying taxes, in an honest job,

or shut him down as a "bigot", and do drugs, become homeless, do alcohol, become a drug dealer or murder for hire hitman?

the first amendment guarantees freedom of religion and free speech.

the left have historically hated businesses as oppressing the working class. i grew up listening to how Nike pays Michael Jordan billions while Nike turns around and pays sweat shop labor 10 cents a day in Indonesia and China.

since this wedding cake baker is a small business owner he seems to attract the wrath of the anti-business left.

with the left you can't make them happy. they condemn capitalism for creating homeless people and drug addicts. when a christian wedding cake baker refuses to bake a gay or lesbian wedding cake, he's condemned for "discrimination" and wants to put this bigot out of business.

the left would rather this wedding cake baker go out of business, his workers find some other job, and become a drug addict homeless than make money as a bigot for not making a wedding cake for gays

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