my sega dreamcast apparently died :( not reading disks
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my sega dreamcast apparently died :( not reading disks
Thu Jul 26, 2018
today i fired up my sega dreamcast, and i put in several disks, and it's not reading them. i strongly suspect the cd reading mechainism is not working. i got it iirc 2002 and it's now 2018 so i'm not surprised.
still i have a large collection of games.
i head over to ebay and see that while there are used ones that are sold around $100, brand new ones are like selling for $700
obviously if i buy a used one it may die quickly.
i have the option of course of waiting and buying a sony ps5 when it comes out.
or buying a used sega
or trying to find a store to repair it.
or live without it
my earlier pc build i was using an msi core2duo died and my gigabyte ultra durable also died socket 775
but i have all the parts needed, dd2 memory nvidia 7600gs samsung hard drive
so i ordered an asus p5k
it's quite different from msi and gigabyte but i was able to get it t work. i'm thinking of buying a second one.
i can live without games now, but not something to connect to the internet so.
anyhow if you're reading this,
this is my chance to talk about my trip down memory lane.
prior to the dreamcast i owned at various times a nintendo 64 and the original sony playstation.
it was the first time i was greatly exposed to 3d games
on the n64 i immensely enjoyed star fox and mario cart
i also own the sony playstation, and i thought the n64 was far superior for 3d
but at the time i loved street fighter, and i played that game on the playstation
i was in a mall in 98 when i first saw the sega dreamcast, and i got to play dead or alive
i was blown away. i sold the n64 and playstation eventually i got the dreamcast and i got those games, in 2002.
by that time the sony ps2 was out. sega announced they are retiring the dreamcast and i got it for cheap plus a lot of games and controllers and memory cards for cheap, which i still have.
i think it was 2002 and i spent my time playing it a lot, from sonic hedge hog to virtua tennis to unreal and quake to san francisco rush 49
one my fav is soul caliber. i also have mortal kombat virtua fighter and street fighter both 3 alpha and 3 third strike. i like alpha 3 the most.
today Thu Jul 26, 2018 i tried booting it and while it turns on fine, the cd-rom isn't reading it.
i still have my software. i have choices. all costing money.
am i better saving up for the sony playstation 5 or something inexpensive for dreamcast?
with the pc, i bought a cheap 775 and re-used everything.
decisions decisions
today i fired up my sega dreamcast, and i put in several disks, and it's not reading them. i strongly suspect the cd reading mechainism is not working. i got it iirc 2002 and it's now 2018 so i'm not surprised.
still i have a large collection of games.
i head over to ebay and see that while there are used ones that are sold around $100, brand new ones are like selling for $700
obviously if i buy a used one it may die quickly.
i have the option of course of waiting and buying a sony ps5 when it comes out.
or buying a used sega
or trying to find a store to repair it.
or live without it
my earlier pc build i was using an msi core2duo died and my gigabyte ultra durable also died socket 775
but i have all the parts needed, dd2 memory nvidia 7600gs samsung hard drive
so i ordered an asus p5k
it's quite different from msi and gigabyte but i was able to get it t work. i'm thinking of buying a second one.
i can live without games now, but not something to connect to the internet so.
anyhow if you're reading this,
this is my chance to talk about my trip down memory lane.
prior to the dreamcast i owned at various times a nintendo 64 and the original sony playstation.
it was the first time i was greatly exposed to 3d games
on the n64 i immensely enjoyed star fox and mario cart
i also own the sony playstation, and i thought the n64 was far superior for 3d
but at the time i loved street fighter, and i played that game on the playstation
i was in a mall in 98 when i first saw the sega dreamcast, and i got to play dead or alive
i was blown away. i sold the n64 and playstation eventually i got the dreamcast and i got those games, in 2002.
by that time the sony ps2 was out. sega announced they are retiring the dreamcast and i got it for cheap plus a lot of games and controllers and memory cards for cheap, which i still have.
i think it was 2002 and i spent my time playing it a lot, from sonic hedge hog to virtua tennis to unreal and quake to san francisco rush 49
one my fav is soul caliber. i also have mortal kombat virtua fighter and street fighter both 3 alpha and 3 third strike. i like alpha 3 the most.
today Thu Jul 26, 2018 i tried booting it and while it turns on fine, the cd-rom isn't reading it.
i still have my software. i have choices. all costing money.
am i better saving up for the sony playstation 5 or something inexpensive for dreamcast?
with the pc, i bought a cheap 775 and re-used everything.
decisions decisions
If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side
redpill- Posts : 6365
Join date : 2012-12-08
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