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observations on suicide Ellie Soutter, 18 & Mollie Tibbetts, 20

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observations on suicide  Ellie Soutter, 18 & Mollie Tibbetts, 20 Empty observations on suicide Ellie Soutter, 18 & Mollie Tibbetts, 20

Post by redpill Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:51 pm

Wed Aug 01, 2018

2 news bits stand out for me,

the disappearance of Mollie Tibbets

and suicide Ellie Soutter, 18

observations on suicide  Ellie Soutter, 18 & Mollie Tibbetts, 20 Ellies10

Olympic snowboarder Ellie Soutter, 18, ended life due to mental illness and pressure of competition, dad says

Ellie Soutter was found dead in the woods after she disappeared from a French ski resort on her birthday. (GoFundMe)

A history of mental health issues paired with the pressure of competing at the highest level may have contributed to snowboarder Ellie Soutter’s apparent suicide, her father said Tuesday.

Soutter, a rising Olympic star in Britain, died on her 18th birthday last week, officials revealed. Though an official cause of death hasn't been confirmed, the athlete’s father told BBC South East there were several factors that contributed to her “ending her life.”

“Unfortunately it all came about from missing a flight which then meant she didn't go training with the [Great Britain] squad,” Tony Soutter said. “She felt she'd let them down, felt she'd let me down, and just tragically it just takes one silly little thing like that to tip someone over the edge, because there's a lot of pressure on children.”

Ellie made a decision to commit suicide, and now her face and discussions of her mental health is all over the internet, reported in all the news.

to be fair she was an OLYMPIC snow boarder and only 18 so there's that.

but wow if i commit suicide, will my name and face and discussions of mental illness will be reported in the news outlet?
all the major news media cnn fox cbs are reporting this


Mollie Tibbetts, 20

we know private details of her last moments, snap chat went for jog returned home, fitbit and she's all over the internet.
and all major news

of course this is a good case of missing white woman syndrome

is it better to commit suicide and then have your story all over the internet,

or go missing, and again have your story all over the internet?

i guess if you're an olympic snow boarder who commits suicide there's no way that's not front page newsworthy.

i'm not an olympic anything so

strange how the news works, i found several white flowers who died, but absolutely no news articles on the cause and manner of death. Shocked

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