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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:30 am

Sat Aug 04, 2018

it's saturday

being a kid from the 70s and 80s, i grew up watching cartoons on saturday morning.

for me, there was no cable, just a coat hanger for antenna on my tv set from 70s, with crappy colors.

no remote control. i would physically get up and turn the dial, which changes the station.

i only watched from public airwaves like cbs abc nbc and then there were other channels like power station and fox and upn

saturday mornings were filled with cartoons from all the major networks. from around 7am all the way to noon, each station would feature a cartoon and lots of commercials.

even the commercials could be entertaining though repetitive.

some of my favorite cartoons include spiderman and his amazing friends, superfriends, hulk, and smurfs
transformers and gi-joe

by the 90s i had hit teen years, but i still enjoyed watching the x-men cartoon

i thought going from superfriends to x-men represented a quantum leap

by then i was too old for power rangers, pokemon and teenage mutant ninja turtles, though i did watch the movies

i also noticed though saturday morning cartoons were petering out, and a lot of shows on saturday morning were live action drama like saved by the bell. pbs aired degrassi junior high. they had actors in live action. not super heros in cartoon.

during the weekdays, after school from around 3-5pm there were also cartoons, i often watched UPN for them. the main channels of abc cbs nbc had dramas like facts of life, brady bunch different strokes cosby show.

on UPN and fox, on the weekdays after 3pm to 5pm, i would watch voltron he-man gi joe and transformers iirc

of course there were a lot of re-runs and repeats, esp the x-men cartoon. same episode replayed over and over.

on sundays on many of the major channels from cbs to nbc to abc to fox

they had christian pastors provide sermons (!)

they had a christian preacher preach, complete with singing of the choir and prayers, and open your bible to such and such readings

a popular one i remember was charles stanley in touch ministry.

technically you didn't have to go to church, you could just turn on your tv on and every channel they'd be a preacher early sunday morning delivering a sermon on the bible

often these sermons had a smaller box of a person, always a woman, giving it in sign language

that seems such a long time ago.

so my tv viewing habits is on the weekdays i watched robotech and voltron and transformers, which i knew were based from japanese anime, maya the bee

this is also the time period where some of the most popular games i played in the arcade like zaxxon and time pilot and galaga and darius were from japan and based on the idea of piloting a ship and shooting enemy alien aircraft.

then weekends, saturday i'd watch smurfs and superfriends or underdog

on sunday i sometimes, but not always, watched a preacher deliver a sermon on tv.

in the early 80s on sunday primetime they either cbs or nbc or abc i don't remember which actually had bible stories on tv, they even showed a nude naked adam and eve, as well as dramatization of famous stories like noah and the ark and david and goliath, on tv, on sunday primetime. now that is really extinct.

can you imagine a tv preacher on a major network like cbs abc nbc reading leviticus and romans condemning homosexuality, calling homosexuality a sin, and calling them to repent of the sin of homosexuality? or abortion.

tv preacher charles stanly actually did deliver sermons to this effect.

christianity was still strong. smurfs celebrated christmas, charlie brown celebrated christmas linus read from luke on birth of jesus.
even wolverine of the x-men met nightcrawler who was a monk and prayed and read the bible (!) WOLVERINE of all people.
i remember he-man orca met people from our wolrd and talked about jesus and birth of christ. on he-man.
there was even a star wars christmas special

obviously something like that isn't gonna fly. today's disney with that ice princess made no mention of jesus in their celebration of christmas

that era is now the age of dinosaurs as saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday sermons are now all extinct

Sat Aug 04, 2018

i look forwards to a new season of clone wars

saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons 57498f10

i'm the last of a breed. the breed of kids who grew up in the 80s watched saturday morning cartoons, and commercials like mikey likes it, and still wants to watch clone wars

one day i'll be dead, i was an eye witness to an era long dead.

i feel like i am the last jedi. from a time long past.

who else knows this but

in robotech they piloted mechs that were identical to a transformer that went from f-16 to half-robot half plane to full robot

i actually watched the gobots cartoon, the 3 different voltrons, the one with 30 ships to create the voltron plus the voltron that used 5 lions, spectreman, ultraman, goldar, MASK, and that one creepy cartoon where there was a monster in the form of a plant and another monster that would cause a woman to decompose when touched, that caused nightmares not suited for kids.

i knew a kid on the block who owned it. i wanted to play it just like the cartoon. in this era, the commodore 64 had 64 kilobytes so i had to play with toys. today i'd play video games like star wars battlefront.

i do wonder what kind of childhood did normal girls same age as me had. i don't recall them playing with transformers and gi joe and he man, and i don't recall them talking about voltron and robotech. i also don't recall them playing gradius on a nintendo entertainment system, which was all things i did.

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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:57 pm

Grease is the word for girls growing up in the Eighties. As I recall, dancing was a big craze too.

Gunsmoke is for us older folks. It’s what Hubby records during the week and we watch it on Saturday mornings


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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:40 pm

i was thinking my peers my little pony barbie dolls and just dolls they pamper like real babies

there was wonder woman and she-ra, counterpart to he-man, super hero females for girls.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:09 pm

Barbie dolls have been a big thing forever it seems. Rainbow Brite is another animated film popular in the 80s. Girls have always gone crazy over Disney Movies. You didn’t mention Thundercats for boys, or those ever popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’m going to give this more thought.


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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:47 pm

searchinGirl wrote:Barbie dolls have been a big thing forever it seems. Rainbow Brite is another animated film popular in the 80s. Girls have always gone crazy over Disney Movies. You didn’t mention Thundercats for boys, or those ever popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’m going to give this more thought.

Rainbow Brite lol yeah that was on but i admit i didn't watch it.

i did mention Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - reread my OP. by the time it was popular i was a teenager, not a young boy.

yeah thundercats was one of those cartoons on. i admit i didn't watch it a whole lot. at that time i didn't like cats all that much. now i do.

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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:02 pm

I have bad eyes at the moment. Having cataract surgery on Tuesday. Both eyes at once. That’s why I miss things and make typos. I love cats. Lost my best friend forever together kitty, Junior at the end of Match. I’m going to get a new one soon.

I was managing a video store in Boulder in the 80s. I should be able to remembers what kids liked then. Ghostbusters was a bid deal, the Star Wars movies rented well, MTV was a big, big attraction. I remember it playing all the time in the store. Almost all movies became popular because home theaters were coming to everybody.


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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:04 pm

i didn't like cats growing up but now i do Smile

what retail chain, block buster family or hollywood?

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:07 pm

Casablanca Video. One of the originals. A small store in Table Mesa. I rented movies to Alex Hunter. Lol.


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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:21 pm

Cats are really cool. Very intuitive. Mostly smart. Independent. Do you talk to your cats? Do they talk to you?


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saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons Empty Re: saturday morning cartoons, weekday cartoons, and sunday morning sermons

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:49 pm

searchinGirl wrote:Cats are really cool. Very intuitive. Mostly smart. Independent. Do you talk to your cats? Do they talk to you?

the cat i had before the current one did talk. not the current one much unless she's hungry. u talk to ur cat?

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