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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance

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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Empty ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:56 pm

Sat Aug 04, 2018

i regularly watch Ancient Aliens

today i saw episode ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction

the episode starts with an abductee saying he was abducted by aliens in his home

ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Vlcsn263


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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Vlcsn266


ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Vlcsn264

i knew thanks to finding bigfoot there is bigfoot conference and i've long known about star wars con and comic con

but i've not know until just right now of alien-con

conference for alien and here alien abductees

sequence of events

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alien con

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at alien con

this one

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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Vlcsn276

said she was abducted from her own home several times over several years

and so was this one

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they talked about their experience, and these are 2 women.

abducted from their homes.  at night.

even australian cuties have said they were abducted by aliens in UFO

ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance 03589310
ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance 39b3ed10

the timing is amazing as yesterday i was thinking of Mollie Tibbetts disappearance

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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Tibbet10

i originally thought she was abducted when she was out jogging, which happens.

but with the recent report she went jogging, then returned home, to dog sit her boyfriend's home, and the dogs are there and perfect condition,

i'm wondering if this is some alien abduction. alien

i was thinking this yesterday on  Mollie and today on Ancient Aliens several young women talk about their alien abduction experience.

from their homes at night, just like Mollie was at her boyfriend's home dog sitting

i've been to college and i've heard strident campus feminists talk about rape, rape of women in sororities male rapists, take back the night cause of the rapists.

i wonder what these campus militant feminists think of the women who say they were abducted by aliens from another planet then um,
"experimented" on. by aliens. alien

i cannot truthfully say i've been adbucted by ufo's, though when i was a kid i saw a ufo like light in the sky so many years ago. alien

i also saw ufo in unsolved mysteries and in search of, and on tv they showed close encounters with the third kind which i saw as a kid

i'll never forget the music scene where they attempt to play keys to the aliens

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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Empty Re: ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance

Post by searchinGirl Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:40 pm

Something I learned from Ancient Aliens this week is the hieroglyphics in cave walls, and ancient building symbology of intertwining snakes, also found in medical symbology, is representative of the DNA double helix. That really impressed me. Been thinking about it ever since.


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ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance Empty Re: ancient aliens season 13, episode 9 alien abduction and Mollie Tibbetts disappearance

Post by redpill Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:50 pm

that's an interesting idea.

on mollie the fbi plan to continue interviewing the pig farmer. so the word is, he's a suspect, so much for alien abduction

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