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when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter

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when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter Empty when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter

Post by redpill Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:25 pm

Tue Nov 27, 2018

there was a blizzard where i live and now it's snow and cold and windy and dark outside.

when i was a kid in the 80s, i would return home from school, my parents were working

so i often would sit in front of the tv with my homework

there were cartoons on tv on channels like upn and fox, i had to use rabbit ear antennas to adjust them to get good reception

a lot of the houses in my neighborhood at external atennas to get free tv on chimneys

when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter 08bb7210

so my house was heated, there was snow and cold and the sun sets early and becomes dark quickly. i didn't drive yet being a kid

i watched cartoons on fox and upn

when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter 41398610


when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter 36c48010

he-man and robotech

along with voltron

the main channels like abc cbs and nbc had shows like different strokes, what's happening, silverspoon, the brady bunch

i preferred cartoons and the fantasy world they depicted

i often was also learning

when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter 11027411
when i returned home from school in early 80s during winter 56547d10

i did homework to, like cursive writing, multiplication tables, story problems like sally has $5, how many $1 apples and $2 oranges can she buy?

i do wonder what other kids my age were doing, esp during the winter time.

when the weather was warmer, either i would visit other kids and ring on their doorbell, or they would visit me and ring on my doorbell

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