The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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I wonder what JonBenet Ramsey of the past are doing now

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I wonder what JonBenet Ramsey of the past are doing now Empty I wonder what JonBenet Ramsey of the past are doing now

Post by redpill Sat May 04, 2019 10:33 pm

Sat May 04, 2019

i have known a fair number of posters, mostly RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey, primarily on websleuth and crimeshots. for a couple of weeks I was on reddit and justicequest. I've seen posters on news articles, such as Boulder daily and camera, and amazon book reviews for Steve Thomas and James Kolar

when i arrived on crimeshots and looked at older threads I saw scores and scores of posters who are inactive.

one active poster, David Hughes, well i know he's now headed to prison, I don't know the specific details of his sentencing.

so the mystery of superdave aka furyofdragon is solved.

holdontoyourhat/statusquo has seemingly disappeared as have Mama2JML, rupert, roy23, fairm smurf

i thought tadpole was gone but she's still active.

athena was seemingly inactive.

i saw posters on topic from charlie chan to koldkase to anti-k and apparently that forum is down.

over at the jonbenet wiki, numerous posters and their theories are cited, but the links are almost all dead.

so i wonder what these posters are doing now,

as for me, my mother has alzheimer's and that preoccupies my mind, but i still watch true real life crime shows.

i've contemplated about whether i should buy a gun or not, for home self defense, or even conceal carry.

i think my greatest concern about a gun is me shooting myself by accident. but then i watch all the home intruder crimes and people, mostly women, getting murdered. pale

but yeah i wonder what these posters are doing now, i suspect they lost interest in JBR and have moved on. for me, it's not the same with my padawan SD.

i just have memories now.

memories like when i suggested Mr Cruel SD said he's not buying the serial killer kool-aid.

both smurf and fairm asked what is kool aid? being british they've never heard of kool aid nor the jim jonees mass suicide, nor the metaphor of drinking the kool aid.

i thought that was fascinating.

and how i posted handwriting from Christian Wolfe, but Zen9000 who is kinda funny thought that was patsy's handwriting and proceeded to say how patsy' should be in prison.

that reply gave me ideas.

but i told zen900 uh that's Christian wolfe's handwriting, from a news clip, not Patsy's. Zen9000 wanted Patsy and the R's to go to prison for handwriting that is from Christian wolfe

2 things that surprised me,

i posted on 2 murders

1- villisca axe murders and
2- Jaclyn Dowaliby.

inspector rex showed a great deal of interest in that. he didn't show much interest in the german Hinterkaifeck murders or valerie percy

it's all memories now. and crimeshots is forever gone. apparently topix is gone to.

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