The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel

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my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Empty my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel

Post by redpill Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:15 pm

Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:54 pm

i've visited reddit and i found this

During the night on January 12, 1976, eight-year-old Eloise Anne Worledge was abducted from her home in Beaumaris, Victoria, Australia, meters away from where her parents slept. Where is Eloise now, and who took her?

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•Posted byu/PM_Me_A_Cute_Doggo
2 days ago
Wholesome2SilverTake My Energy
During the night on January 12, 1976, eight-year-old Eloise Anne Worledge was abducted from her home in Beaumaris, Victoria, Australia, meters away from where her parents slept. Where is Eloise now, and who took her?

my Mr Cruel abducted  Eloise Anne Worledge  and murdered JonBenet Ramsey theory has a specific prediction,

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Eloise13
my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Vlcsn658
my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Eloise14

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Xx1010
my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  X1010

if my Mr Cruel abducted Eloise Anne Worledge &  JonBenet Ramsey theory,

here is a new pic of Eloise Anne Worledge bedroom

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  14888710

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Scree243

for comparison to JBR bedroom

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  005jon10

and if they kept that crime scene evidence,

it might still be possible to do touch DNA on crime scene evidence, on the window, blanket, pillow etc

if they find DNA from the perp,  and if my theory is correct  

DNA via touch DNA from Eloise Anne Worledge pillow case and window night on January 12, 1976, should match the DNA on JonBenet Ramsey longjohns, some 20 years later Dec 25-6, 1996

as well as match via touch DNA from the Mr. Cruel known crime victims in Lower Plenty, Nicola Lynas, Karmein Chan, Sharon Wills, if they were able to recover such DNA.

just imagine how crazy it would be that if they could get DNA from Eloise Anne Worledge pillow case and blanket, the crime happened in  January 12, 1976, and such DNA would have to be done after Feb 2021,
in Melbourne Australia,

matching DNA from Jonbenet crime scene some 20 years later in Dec 26, 1996 in Boulder Colorado.

of the 7.5 billion + humans alive on this planet, i'm the only one to have this thought.

i'm the only one to think maybe Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey could be connected by Mr. Cruel, and that testing crime scene evidence in the  Eloise Anne Worledge case such as the window and pillow case and blanket for DNA could match DNA found on  JonBenet Ramsey

my crime tip Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Mr. Cruel  Scree243

perhaps some perp, known to us as Mr Cruel has child porn photos and video of Eloise Anne Worledge JonBenet Ramsey and  Nicola Lynas, Karmein Chan, Sharon Wills, hidden in his home somewhere that he personally took, much like David Hughes

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