The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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how and why Jeffrey R. MacDonald could be actually innocent

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how and why Jeffrey R. MacDonald could be actually innocent Empty how and why Jeffrey R. MacDonald could be actually innocent

Post by redpill Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:46 pm

Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:03 pm

I saw this post....

MacDonald murders, lingering questions

I have no doubt that MacDonald is guilty, but still have some unresolved questions about various elements of the case.

3 days ago

He 100000% is guilty of the murder of his family.

2 days ago

I disagree. He is 700000000% guilty

this reminds me of The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

how and why Jeffrey R. MacDonald could be actually innocent

all quotes from here

A single fragment of skin was recovered from beneath one of Colette's fingernails, although this evidence was later lost.[54]

ref Great Crimes and Trials of the Twentieth Century ISBN 978-0-671-71876-3 p. 161

that's pretty incredibly important evidence to have been lost.

how did that single fragment of skin was recovered from beneath one of Colette's fingernails end up there?

seems likely Colette fought her attacker and scratched the attacker's skin, resulting in a peeling and transfer from the attacker onto and then underneath her fingernails.

DNA testing could show whether the attacker is Jeffrey MacDonald her husband or an unknown third party.

that DNA could for example match to a known felon in CODIS, or genetic geneology could lead to the suspect, or of course it could come from Jeffrey MacDonald

but it was lost

Forensic analysis

By mid-March, the CID had obtained the results of forensic testing of the blood, hair, and fiber samples within 544 Castle Drive that contradicted MacDonald's accounts of his movements and further convinced investigators of his guilt. For example, Kimberley's blood was also found on his pajama top, even though MacDonald had claimed he was not wearing this garment while in her room attempting resuscitation.[58] MacDonald's own blood was located in significant quantities in only two locations: in front of the kitchen cabinet containing rubber gloves, and upon the right side of a hallway bathroom sink.[59]

Investigators also questioned why Colette's blood was found in Kristen's room, although all three victims were found in separate rooms, suggesting they had been attacked separately. Moreover, although blood evidence indicated Kimberley had been attacked as she entered the master bedroom, investigators questioned why home intruders would bother to carry her back to her bedroom to continue their attack.[54]

All four members of the MacDonald family had different blood types: a statistical anomaly that assisted investigators in determining the movements of each member of the household and their subsequent theory as to a likely scenario of the unfolding events.[60][n 5] Upon the assumption the four individuals discovered by responding military police were the only four people in the house in the early hours of February 17, investigators were able to reconstruct a likely scenario of the chain of events that had unfolded via blood typing and the nature and severity of the wounds discovered upon each individual.[28]

this crime was committed on February 17, 1970

long before DNA testing.

without DNA testing, it is a matter of sheer speculation that the blood evidence can be sourced to Jeffrey MacDonald or any family member.

they did use this

All four members of the MacDonald family had different blood types:

blood types include A, B, AB and O

the problem with this is that with an intruder, that was injured from either being attacked or self-inflicted from stabbing, would have a blood type that would either be A, B, AB, and O

so without DNA testing, the only thing that can be said is they found type A blood or type B blood or type O blood.

additionally if an intruder bleed from self-stabbing and say had type A blood and the victim had type A blood, it would only show a type A blood.

DNA testing on all of the blood evidence, including mixed DNA profiles would answer the problem.

it is possible that some of the blood came from a source other than one of the family members.

Investigators also questioned why Colette's blood was found in Kristen's room, although all three victims were found in separate rooms, suggesting they had been attacked separately. Moreover, although blood evidence indicated Kimberley had been attacked as she entered the master bedroom, investigators questioned why home intruders would bother to carry her back to her bedroom to continue their attack.[54]

without DNA testing there's no evidence that it was Colette's blood was found in Kristen's room, only a blood type consistent with Colette's blood

Upon the assumption the four individuals discovered by responding military police were the only four people in the house in the early hours of February 17, investigators were able to reconstruct a likely scenario of the chain of events that had unfolded via blood typing and the nature and severity of the wounds discovered upon each individual.[28]

this assumption is "e were the only four people in the house in the early hours of February 17, investigators were able to reconstruct a likely scenario of the chain of events that had unfolded via blood typing "

but what if this assumption is false?

they are assuming there were no intruders then reconstructed the crime based on this assumption.

an intruder would have one of 4 blood types, so this assumption is unwarranted even by 1970 standards.

an intruder say with blood type A or B or AB or O and then bleeds, leaves behind his blood but it would match one of the 4 victims.

so since this assumption is one that cannot be made, this crime scene reconstruction is highly problematic, as an intruder bleeding any of blood types A B or AB or O would be misidentified as coming from the 4 victims.

Bloodstained splinters likely sourcing from the section of lumber recovered close to the back door of the apartment were recovered from all three bedrooms of the apartment, but not the room where MacDonald claimed to have been attacked.

Shortly after daylight on February 17, investigators recovered the murder weapons just outside the back door. These instruments were an Old Hickory kitchen knife, an ice pick, and a 31-inch long piece of lumber with two blue threads attached with blood; all three were quickly determined to have come from the MacDonald house, and all had been wiped clean of fingerprints.[48][n 3] MacDonald later claimed to have never seen these items before.[20]

these items were clearly the murder weapons and touch DNA testing could show who handled them, possibly the actual killers, assuming they weren't mishandled by investigators.

On March 10, 2006, the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory announced that the results of this DNA testing revealed that the DNA of neither Stoeckley nor Mitchell matched that upon any of the exhibits tested. Furthermore, although a single hair found within Colette's left palm was also cited by MacDonald as belonging to one of the alleged intruders, this testing also revealed the hair to source from his own body.[167] This hair was also a precise match with others recovered from the bedspread within the master bedroom and upon the top sheet of Kristen's bed. A hair found in Colette's right palm was also sourced as her own. Three hairs, one from the bed sheet, one found in Colette's body outline in the area of her legs, and a single hair measuring one-fifth of an inch found beneath Kristen's fingernail did not match the DNA profile of any MacDonald family member or known suspect.[168]

In September 2012, the district court conducted a formal evidentiary hearing regarding DNA evidence and statements relating to key witnesses who offered testimony indicating MacDonald's innocence. On July 24, 2014, the district court rejected these claims in their entirety and re-affirmed MacDonald's conviction on all counts.

that was 2006, and DNA has come a long way from even 2006

if this crime happened in 2021, it is clear everything would be tested with DNA using the latest advances.

all blood evidence, the weapons, the clothing, the bed sheets, finger nails, etc,

obviously depending on the DNA results,

how and why Jeffrey R. MacDonald could be actually innocent

MacDonald claims that unidentified fingerprint and fiber evidence uncovered inside his home has never been matched to any individual known to have been in the premises prior to or after the murders, and that these prints are evidence of his claim of home intruders.[74] Further evidence he contends has been withheld include two unidentified 22 inch (56 cm) long synthetic hairs found in a hairbrush, but which were not made available to his defense at trial, and a minute spot of blood of either type O or type B origin (either his blood type or that of his younger daughter, Kristen) that was uncovered in the hallway. His supporters also point to unsourced black woolen fibers found upon Colette MacDonald's mouth and shoulder as evidence of intruders which, they contend, were also deliberately withheld by the government from the defense from presenting as evidence supporting MacDonald's contention.[196]

new DNA evidence provided they are sourced to someone outside of MacDonald, plus this evidence would be enough to show MacDonald was innocent.

at the very least, all the evidence needs to be retested using the latest DNA technology of 2021. Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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