The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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RDI and new DNA 2023 pointing to intruder Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

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RDI and new DNA 2023 pointing to intruder Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Empty RDI and new DNA 2023 pointing to intruder Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

Post by redpill Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:22 pm

Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:59 pm

forumsforjustice Jonbenet let's talk

in the news

New DNA Testing Could Point to Suspect

The DNA has long been a primary piece of evidence in the case. According to a report from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, there was DNA found at the scene that did not match anyone in the Ramsey family. Several close friends were also excluded.

Earlier this month, a crime lab completed new DNA testing on previously-untested evidence. Authorities have not divulged the exact nature of the evidence.

The testing will be compared to familial DNA databases in the hopes of finding the suspect.

"I hope this is what it takes to solve the case," the law enforcement source says. "It's gone on for too long."

"We know there's evidence that was taken from the crime scene that was never tested for DNA. There are a few cutting edge labs that have the latest technology. That's where this testing ought to be done," he said.

"And then," he continued, "use the public genealogy database with whatever information we get to research and basically do a backwards family tree, which has been wildly successful in solving some very old cases."


Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey was an  intruder

regarding the RDI

RDI and new DNA 2023 pointing to intruder Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Vlcsn294

Destroy them

RDI and new DNA 2023 pointing to intruder Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Vlcsn295


my apprentice comes from a breed of Bokken Rdi trained in the wild after the Temple fell

I told my apprentice an  intruder did it


If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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