The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German

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Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Empty Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German

Post by redpill Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:09 pm

star gate log 07.16.2017

in my "crime" news feed

i was originally going to post how it has been 5 months, July 13, 2017 is 5 months since Feb 13, 2017 murder of
Abby Williams and Libby German in Delphi trails Indiana

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Delphi10

Delphi Murders: Five months and still no arrests in the murders of Libby & Abby
Katie Cox
1:05 PM, Jul 14, 2017
3:12 PM, Jul 14, 2017

DELPHI, Ind. -- Friday marks a solemn day for people living in Delphi and across the state of Indiana. It's now been five months since the bodies of Liberty German and Abigail Williams were found and their killer is still out there.

14-year-old Libby and 13-year-old Abby went missing on February 13 while hiking along the Monon High Bridge. The girls were taking advantage of a warm, sunny day off from school to take some photos and enjoy the outdoors. It was a day that would change the small community they grew up in forever.

In the five months since that day, Indiana State Police, the FBI and multiple other agencies across the state have spent countless hours investigating and interviewing witnesses and possible suspects.

Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said investigators have received over 18,000 tips and interviewed over 1,000 potential suspects. More than 20 people have been arrested on unrelated charges because of the case, but so far no one has been charged with Libby & Abby's murders.

The reward for information leading to the arrest of their killer has grown to over $230,000 since February, but so far that hasn't led to any arrests.

In light of the tragedy, the residents of Delphi have come together to support the girls' families and each other in ways one can only imagine.

A memorial softball tournament to raise money for a scholarship fund in memory of Libby and Abby is being held this weekend. The tournament will run from Friday through Sunday with all proceeds going to the scholarship fund.

with all due respects to rootlesswriter, my tip i submitted was that Libby and Abby were murdered by the OCCK, the man in the photo is OCCK

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Delphi11

if i'm rite, the man in the photo is identified, he lived in Detroit Michigan in 1976 or thereabout, and owned a Blue ANC gremlin, i wonder if i get $250k reward What a Face

as a former kid who spent my time in the woods looking for bigfoot, i find the idea of being murdered to be rather upsetting. i now know if i enter the woods i can get murdered, thanks to Abby Williams and Liberty German.

it is amazing they have this guy's face and voice, but still have no suspect who has been charged. They did interview over 1000 possible tips-suspects

if i enter the woods, will i be murdered like these 2?

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Libert10

LE hasn't disclosed if they were sexually assaulted.

wow, just 13 and 14 years of life.

in this case it is a white male attacking and killing a white female, 2 of them. for reasons not disclosed. presumably not a robbery for money, but could be a thrill kill, serial killer, or sexual in nature.

my Mr. Cruel murdered JonBenet Ramsey is that Australia's Mr. Cruel traveled to Boulder Colorado where he learned of and murdered Jonbenet Ramsey

some say ridiculous, Australia is so far away from USA

um in the news feed

this is Justine Damond age 40

when you see this photo, is she American or Australian?

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Justin10

She was Australian.
White Australians are indistinguishable from white Americans, except for the cool accent. White Australians usually have no problems in the USA, as they speak fluent English and grew up watching US tv shows and movies and rock music, but um......

she was shot and killed by police in Minneapolis, MN. She traveled from Australia to Minneapolis, MN only to be shot and killed by police at age 40.

this is a developing story.  Saturday July 15, 2017

An Australian woman has been shot dead by police in the US city of Minneapolis in an incident in which the officers did not have their body cameras turned on.

She was killed when two police officers responded to a 911 call about a possible assault in an alley behind a home about 11.30pm on Saturday, local time.

One police officer fired their weapon, killing 40-year-old Sydney woman Justine Damond.

Ms Damond, also known as Justine Ruszczyk, was a trained veterinarian who worked as a spiritual healer and meditation teacher.

She called police after hearing a disturbance in the alley and went out to investigate when she was shot, according to media reports.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it was providing consular assistance to the family of an Australian woman who died in a shooting in Minneapolis.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) said in a statement on Sunday that police officers had responded to an emergency call about a possible assault in an alley behind a home in the Minneapolis suburb of Fulton.
"At one point, one officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman," the BCA said.

Investigators are trying to locate a video of the shooting, as officers' body cameras were turned off at the time and cameras in the squad car did not capture the incident, the BCA said.

Ms Damond ran her meditation workshops at the Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, which paid tribute to her in a Facebook post.

"We are so sad to report the tragic shooting of Justine Damond," the community's post said.

"Justine was one of the most loving people you would ever meet. We can't even imagine LHSC without her."

Ms Damond is believed to have been living in the US for at least the past three years.

Don Damond's son Zach Damond, told The Star Tribune the woman "heard a noise in the alley and called the police".

"My mom is dead because a police officer shot her for reasons I don't know, and I demand answers," he said.

"America sucks," he added.

Ruszczyk Had called 911 to Report an Alley Assault, Family Members Say

heavy wrote:

By Jessica McBride
Published Jul 16, 2017 at 8:24pm

Updated Jul 16, 2017 at 9:11pm
Justine Ruszczyk, the Australian woman shot and killed by a Minneapolis police officer after family members say she called 911 to report an assault, was a well-liked motivational healer about to be married.

She went by the name Justine Damond professionally, taking the name of the man she was about to marry, Don Damond, who is vice president and manager of Little Six Casino in Minnesota. On LinkedIn, Justine defined herself as a “Speaker, Coach & Consultant for Neuroscience & Meditation Based Change Initiatives.”

On the about me section of her website, Justine quoted Emerson: “Live in the Sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!” She focused her life on healing after losing family members to cancer, she wrote on her website.

The 40-year-old woman’s shooting was labeled “deeply disturbing” by the mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, who told The Minneapolis Star-Tribune that she was “heartsick” over the shooting.

The shooting unfolded on Saturday, July 15. It comes as tensions are still heightened over police shootings in Minnesota because of the recent acquittal of the police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile in a traffic stop a year ago.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Ruszczyk Had called 911 to Report an Alley Assault, Family Members Say

justine ruszczyk, justine damond
Justine Ruszczyk (Justine Damond).
One of the details that is troubling people close to Justine most is that family members say she is the person who called police in the first place, and it was to report a crime.

According to The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, family members said she “called 911 to report a possible assault in the alley Saturday night.”
Police haven’t released many details about what happened leading up to Justine being fatally shot by a police officer. “Two Minneapolis police officers responded to a 911 call of a possible assault just north of the 5100 block of Washburn Avenue S. just before 11:30 p.m. Saturday,” the state’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said in a news release. “At one point, an officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman.” The shooting occurred around 11:30 p.m.
According to LinkedIn, she received a bachelor’s degree in veterinary science from the University of Sydney in Australia.

In a statement on Facebook, the Lake Harriet center wrote that Justine was one of the most loving people a person could meet

wow. just wow.
so if i travel to Minneapolis police will police shoot and kill me?

you hear of black lives matter and blacks being shot to police but in this case, this is or was a Australian white female who was shot and killed by police.

so Justine called to report an assault behind the alley, and then somehow she was shot and killed. details aren't clear.

so if you travel to a foreign country, in this case an Australian national travels to USA, you can be killed, by that nation's police.

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Justin10

so if i travel to Australia will Aussie police shoot me dead? not too long ago several Texas were in Melbourne and the plane they were on crashed into the mall killing everyone.

Justine Damond and JonBenet Ramsey and Mr. Cruel & Abby Williams and Libby German Justin11

on another note
ibid wrote:
Justine had a website dedicated to her healing activities.

“Discover your brain. Master your mind. Open your heart,” it reads.

Using the name, Justine Damond, she wrote, “Great advances in science over the last 20 years or so have seen us finally begin to unravel some of the extraordinary mysteries of the human brain and body. Through leading fields such as quantum physics, neuroscience and epigenetics, we are discovering the exquisite intricacies of not only how the brain functions, but also how it interacts with the heart and the body, and most fascinatingly, how it contributes to creating the personal reality we experience as our ‘life.'”

Justine wrote that she focused her life on healing after losing family members to cancer.

“Her interest in supporting people to heal and transform themselves developed after she saw family members suffer greatly from depression, alcoholism and cancer,” the website’s bio reads. “After losing much of her family to cancer she has spent many years on a personal investigative journey to discover how habits and disease develop, and how people can change and live in joy, expressing their full potential. Her adventure led her initially away from western medicine, to the world of complimentary/alternative therapies, Mind-Body medicine, and studies in eastern philosophies, consciousness and quantum physics. But eventually she came to rest in the best place of all – right in the middle – where she embraces wisdom and knowledge from many sources.”

She wrote on the website that she had “recently relocated to Minneapolis from Sydney,” and added, “Justine consults to individuals, groups and organisations while exploring the new home of the mid-west USA.”

i actually am interested in the health issue that she is, Mind-Body medicine, and studies in eastern philosophies, consciousness and quantum physics.

but wow, Justine traveled  from Sydney to Minneapolis in part to teach spiritual health, only to somehow after calling 911 for some kind of assault in an ally, she was shot and killed by police.

no details given. conceivable that she was being assaulted by a rapist,   and police shot the victim rather than the attacker.

so if you are a victim of an attack and police arrive, you are still not safe. even a white woman can get shot and killed. not just black males.

she died.

Justine Damond was born, raised and grew up and traveled from Syndey Australia, where she went to Syndey vet school, to Minneapolis, MN USA where she was shot and killed.

My theory is another Australian national, Mr. Cruel from Melbourne, traveled from Melbourne Australia to Boulder Colorado, USA,  possibly to ski on vacation, where he learned of Jonbenet and killed her. He then returned from Boulder Colorado USA after killing Jonbenet, to Melbourne Australia, where he was never identified. Possibly he has never returned to the USA, after killing Jonbenet, after learning of DNA, which he knows is his DNA.

Australia do not have Mr. Cruel's DNA.

murder of Jonbenet in Boulder, Co, the perfect crime, perfect murder perfect town for an Australian home invading young girl loving killer

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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