The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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STILL A MYSTERY S1 • E2 Down the Hill Abby Williams Libby German Dylan Redwine

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STILL A MYSTERY  S1 • E2 Down the Hill Abby Williams  Libby German  Dylan Redwine Empty STILL A MYSTERY S1 • E2 Down the Hill Abby Williams Libby German Dylan Redwine

Post by redpill Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:16 pm

Tue Jun 04, 2019

I just watched

STILL A MYSTERY  S1 • E2 Down the Hill

Still A Mystery
Published on Jun 3, 2019
13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German go for a short walk on a popular hiking trail and then disappear.  And then 13-year-old Dylan Redwine vanishes on Thanksgiving break, 2012, while visiting his dad in Vallecito, Colorado.


this is the first documentary i saw on 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German

it uses actors interviews of parents and police footage for a step by step re-enactment of the events. i am not familiar with delphi indiana nor those trails.

they showed footage of the bridge. there were a lot of things i wasn't clear about but this documentary clears it.

this crime happened in feb 14 20017 and it was supposed to be a 1 hour hiking through the trails in delphi.

the trip return back required Abby and Libby to go through the bridge that they were pictured on, and that strange UNSUB was in the way

STILL A MYSTERY  S1 • E2 Down the Hill Abby Williams  Libby German  Dylan Redwine Snapch10
STILL A MYSTERY  S1 • E2 Down the Hill Abby Williams  Libby German  Dylan Redwine Teens110

i was very unclear on that point. typically a forest preserve has plenty of trails and places to hide. i had a hard time fathoming what exactly happened.

from what this documentary states, Abby and Libby cross that bridge, which was an old unused railway track. it is actually potentially dangerous as it is a very steep drop to your death from a high fall if you screw up.

Abby and Libby needed to cross that bridge to return home, at the drop off, but that man, who is the prime suspect of murder, was on that bridge, so in effect Abby and Libby was trapped. though i suppose both girls could have still ran and hid.

so they believe Abby and Libby waited for the man to cross and they intended to cross, but instead, the perp tells them, guys down the hill, which is where he killed them, probably by gun, at the base there.

it took the next day to find them, the shoe being the first to find. the perp didn't take Libby's phone, and Libby uploaded those photos on snapchat.

they talk about 2 different suspects who look like the drawing, Daniel Nations and some other guy. they don't consider them suspects now.

lastly the documentary reports that the parents saw additional info, which has been with held from the public as it would only be known to the killer.

but Abby's mother states that the additional statement that has not been published anywhere

Libby's phone records Libby as saying something like, and this is from my memory, the path ends here, we can't go farther,

after down the hill, so this was close to when they were murdered.

abby's mother looks like abby i must say

after watching this it seems clear that they were dropped off, they walked for an hour about 1 mile, taking photos, until they crossed that train trecks and abby took a photo of libby. possibly behind libby is the killer. either abby or libby then took a photo of the killer on those train tracks, more like a video recording, and the killer then meets them when he crosses the bridge, tells them down the hill, the girls go down the hill, libby says the path ends here we can't go father, and the killer kills them, possibly with a gun. their bodies were found the next day.

Abby's mother thought abby initially was lost or having fun, but said she's afraid of the dark and would not be there past dark.

when the body was found, a pastor told Abby's mother to walk upstairs and told them the bad news.

abby's mother told the pastor abby wasn't baptized, and the pastor reassured her that abby is in heaven with jesus.

which makes me think about abortion and homosexuals

do women who have abortion and abortionists and prochoice proabortion feminists, , with their chants, get your rosaries off my ovaries, and homos

do they go to heave to be with jesus when they die? that was a major concern of mine.

girls bodies were found 1 mile from where they were dropped off. investigators think they were shot pretty much within the hour after they were dropped off.

this documentary is a must watch for anyone who cares about this case and isn't familiar with delphi indiana like me

on the day they were reported missing night fell quickly but police went into the woods looking for them.
the next day was a large scale search and lots of news media.

makes me wonder what if i disappear in the woods, and i am reported missing. will i get a large scale search and will it be front page news? Suspect

the second half they cover yet another colorado murder, 13-year-old Dylan Redwine in searchingirl's neck of the woods, colorado

father is charged, they found Dylan's blood in Father's home so it's not looking good for him

lots of children murder in colorado, but to be fair, libby and abby were murdered in delphi indiana, and lindsay buziak in saanitch canada so there's that.

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