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how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons

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how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Empty how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons

Post by redpill Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:49 am

Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:25 am

last nite i watched how to train your dragon 1 & 2

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons How-to10
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Httyd210

watching it i want a

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Screen11
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Toothl10

every day life seems so .... boring. that dragon toothless so cute and you can fly on it. and you can glide and the dragon will save you

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons S5_por10

i wanna live in that world, not like the real world, with my very own pet dragon that can take me to magical lands via flight

the graphics and visuals are stunning.

it was a surreal moment for me as a child of the 80's i played

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Dd110

it wasn't an entirely positive experience, for one thing it's a hard game to learn to play, and 2, there are 2 versions, D&D and AD&D

i preferred the simplicity of D&D but all my friends played AD&D. in AD&D there was no level limit, whereas in D&D basic, there was a level limit of 36.

so AD&D players would come in with characters on level 5000 with 10 million hit points and minus 30,000 armor class god like deities

there was no challenge. it was ridiculous

my ideal D&D would be level 2-3

at one point i had memorized the dragons, white dragons ice, red dragon fire, black dragon acid, blue dragon lightening, all evil
gold dragon good

to give you some idea of scale, on level 1 in either D&D or AD&D fighter might have 8 hit points. a goblin can do 1-4 d4 hit point damage. so a couple of strikes and a goblin could kill a level 1 fighter. in AD&D with no level limits, coming in with 10, 0000,000 hit points, the goblin only does 1-4 hit points its clear there is no threat.

so i ended up playing bard's tale on a tandy 1000

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons 24080_10

i also watched and enjoyed watching this cartoon

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Dd-gro10

so going from saturday morning cartoon like this

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Dd-210

to this

how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons QHUS8OS
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Latest?cb=20170608075450
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Bfba55fc30e5e35c3906a16d5f4c1513
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons _gif__dragon__s_nest___how_to_train_your_dragon_by_bakita-d5gt7it
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Giphy
how to train your dragon & dungeons and dragons Giphy

truly magical experience

dreamworks other masterpiece kung fu panda is good for those who like oriental adventures

ah well back to the real world

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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Join date : 2012-12-08

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