The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Empty it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

Post by redpill Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:19 pm

Sun Aug 19, 2018

it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

it's raining the whole day and now the clouds has made it very dark already, and it's fairly cool for august and yeah it's raining a lot. it's actually still the early afternoon but the rain clouds have made it dark and weather forecast is rain all night long

i can understand intellectually what a drought is, and water conservation, but it's not something i've personally experienced, though i visited colorado and california where they have droughts.

australia also has droughts as reported in my news feed.

it rains often enough here that i don't have to water the lawn, though it doesn't look great. it's not a lush green lawn but it's not dead either. basically it rains maybe once ever 2 weeks and that's enough to prevent my lawn from death, and i don't water it daily like some of my neighbors do.

my basement has does have some seepage so there's probably cracks in the foundation, which i've heard is extremely expensive to repair. but when it rains heavily water seeps from the bottom so Sad
i still remember the first time i heard that sentence

"it was a dark and stormy night"

i look outside and yeah with a little bit of imagination

seeing the rain

it reminds me that in elementary school we had recess. it was solely dedicated to play time in school.

when weather permits we played outside, even when it was extremely cold.

but when it rained we had indoor recess. a lot of my classmates hated it. they hated indoor recess.

a lot of the athletic young boys during recess liked to throw a football and the other group of boys tried to catch it. only boys participated, but i wasn't athletic so i didn't participate either.

the girls mostly did jump rope.

but when it rained and we were indoor, we could only either talk or played board games. i didn't mind playing checkers and hungry hungry hippos. i had friends and when it rained outside we played board games and.....

dungeons and dragons.

so when i see it raining right now, and i'm indoors i remember as a young kid, before computers were widespread, and even gaming consoles before i owned my own computer i and other boys would play dungeons and dragons.

then and now i wonder what girls did when they got together, i doubt they played dungeons and dragons, or computer games or console games. i suppose the more intelligent ones read books and novels i guess.

one thing was that as kids we got both basic D&D and AD&D mixed up. i now know there were 2 separate games, but at the time it was highly confusing.

as a i got older i liked to spend it playing bard's tale on my tandy, via apple 2 emulation trackstar

it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 64575610
it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Hqdefa61

as a fantasy during these dark and stormy nights i'd like to think of ghosts

i'm trapped in this house and it's raining outside so ghosts are haunting the home, doing paranormal things. souls of people long dead.

lights going out. hearing things. electricity going out which has happened, due to lightening strikes. turning on a flashlight and there's a ghost in the mirror.

now that i'm older i don't think this way still. triangle with melissa george and liam helmsworth is a ghost story.

one thing i do know is that on really rainy nights sometimes people get into car accidents that are fatal. i personally am reluctant to leave my house right now bc of the heavy downpour, it's easy to lose control and get into an accident. my deductible is $1000 so if the damage is less than that i have to pay it. Sad
there have been white flowers who died when their parents drove them in this kind of downpour.

so i'm in my underwear yesterday was summer hot, today its very cool, and it's raining outside and the skies are dark, but the sun is still there.

on the tv show close encounters there were several UFO sightings

on a dark and stormy night, one was a french doctor who had a very rainy night in france and looked out and saw 2 ufo with electricity between them, they used CGI and it looked good. he was scared.

maybe i can see a ufo but where i live is a residential suburb so if i see it scores of other neighbors would also see it.

i wish i could share a ghost or ufo story

it was a dark and stormy night

but thus far i've not had any luck. i wouldn't be happy camping in a tent in rain like what i'm having now i'd imagine some water would seep in, and then to carry a soaking wet tent around not fun.

when i was a kid when

it was a dark and stormy night

at my house or my friend's house, while playing D&D or computer games, we'd order a delivery pizza. technically my parents or their parents would pay for the pizza.

now that i think about it, it must be rather unpleasant for the pizza delivery driver to deliver pizza when it rains like right now, or snows. obviously they want tips.

i'm sure there's probably one crime where it was a dark and story night and intruders entered in to kill

if i recall correctly, alisha o'reily age 6 was killed in her own home like jonbenet, in new zealand, on a dark and stormy night.
while her family slept.

for me later tonight i plan to go to bed and sleep and wake up early tomorrow morning. hopefully nothing eventful like an intruder

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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Empty Re: it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:27 pm

I remember the Christmas Day JonBenet died. It was mild enough to grill food on the back deck of our our home. There was a weather pattern that passed through the night leaving a light dusting of snow by morning. I wouldn’t call it a dark and stormy by any means. I’m sure it was very very quiet outside. And not too many people were out and about.


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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Empty Re: it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

Post by redpill Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:36 pm

some rdi say no footprints in snow.

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Empty Re: it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

Post by searchinGirl Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:27 pm

That would all depend on where they were looking. The south and east side where they show pictures would burn off fast. The north side, where the butler door is, would have been the place to look. I don’t know if they did. But it was the door that some say was found wide open at some point in time.


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it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018 Empty Re: it was a dark and stormy night on Sun Aug 19, 2018

Post by redpill Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:43 pm

crime scene photos don't show much snow. its still a popular rdi claim

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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