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it was a dark and stormy night Sat May 18, 201

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it was a dark and stormy night Sat May 18, 201 Empty it was a dark and stormy night Sat May 18, 201

Post by redpill Sun May 19, 2019 12:08 am

Sat May 18, 2019


it was a dark and stormy night.

today it rained hard, but right now at night as i type this the rain has stopped.

i've looked at paranormal shows from paranormal witness and a haunting to paranormal 911 my haunted home and similar shows which feature guests who talk about their paranormal experience

i wish i could say i saw a bigfoot or ufo or a ghost from personal experience,

now i've had items gone missing and i heard knocks in my home but i don't think i've had paranormal experience except perhaps these,


my dreams or nightmares are sometimes vivid and lifelike, and i sometimes remember them.

some of the nightmares i've had involve hostile ufo aliens


i have had dreams in which grey alien like beings with hostile intent have taken over earth and we humans are totally powerless to stop them.

i see them on hills near woods and i run.

what makes these dreams a nightmare is that i see these grey aliens and a large number of semi-conscious humans sort of strung together like puppets via strings that look like umbilical cords

and lots of dead bodies around.

and you couldn't hide from these aliens they will find you

and shooting at them with guns does nothing, it's like firing blanks or a small bb. nothing happens.

when i do remember my nightmares, sometimes these aliens show up in my dreams.

not very pleasant, but in the end they are just dreams.

i'm not sure i'd like to meet grey ufo aliens, i dont want to be experimented on


what would be crazy would be sometime in the future, what i have dreamed is exactly what happens.

ufo aliens arrive of the grey type,

they defeate the world's military

lots of death in the process,

survivors have these umbilical cord looking things attached to them with facial expressions of abject horror

this post might be a kind of precognition of what is to come

on a dark and stormy night Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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