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Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess !

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Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! Empty Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess !

Post by redpill Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:27 am

Sat Feb 23, 2019

i've learned that in Australia,

this Australian girl Amber Panozza

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 99558710


Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 99558711

by these 2

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 97633910
Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 97633911

The parents of Amber Panozza have spoken out after their daughter was hospitalised amid a online bullying ordeal, that at it’s worst, saw her receive a horrifying video from two classmates urging her to kill herself and threatening to “stomp” and “drown” her.

The series of Snapchat videos were uploaded to Facebook and viewed more than 70,000 times in just a few hours before they were deleted.

In the video sent to Amber three weeks ago, one of the girls, who cannot be identified, is heard saying: “If I f***ing see you Amber, you are gonna probably drown.

“You know what, you are going to kill yourself because everybody hates you.”
Two girls in a Snapchat video can be heard hurling abuse at a fellow classmate, telling her to kill herself.

Two girls in a Snapchat video can be heard hurling abuse at a fellow classmate, telling her to kill herself.Source:Channel 9
The harrowing Snapchat video was uploaded to Facebook and viewed more than 70,000 times before it was taken down.

The harrowing Snapchat video was uploaded to Facebook and viewed more than 70,000 times before it was taken down.Source:Channel 9

The other girl, who also cannot be identified adds, “Everyone f***ing hates you and everyone wants to kill you because you are a f***ing little slut”.

Amber’s distraught parents, Michelle and Aaron Panozza, said the bullying started when they put their 15-year-old daughter in school in Queensland after moving from Melbourne four years ago.

They moved her to three different schools but claim each time things just got worse.

The teenager had previously been admitted to hospital with anxiety-related malnutrition and was now too scared to go to school

The Panozzas claim that by the time Amber got to her third high school she was being physically attacked — even in class.

i have no idea how this started, but the video is in the embedded video of these 2 bullies.

Australia was mostly white. i guess white bully girls when they have no one to bully will bully other white girls.

one thing i don't care for children, is if these girls who i suspect are still teens were to attempt to bully me, and i hit them, i could get in trouble legally for striking a minor, even though as teen girls they can be quite dangerous, boys even more so. but an adult striking a minor even if the minor is tall can be hazadrous, i have travyon martin in mind.

anyhow it got me thinking

put these 2 Aussies

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 97633910
Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! 97633911

on a boat

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! Be675610

with this person

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! Vlcsn288

she knows what to do  

Australian bullies who you're gonna call Jess ! Triang10

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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