The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

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 The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Empty The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

Post by redpill Wed May 27, 2020 12:55 pm

Wed May 27, 2020

i just learned of a new program

The Genetic Detective - Season 1 Episode 1 -
The Case of the Missing Lovebirds

Moore works with Seattle's Snohomish County Sheriff's Office and takes on her first-ever cold case as a genetic genealogist – the double homicide of Jay Cook and Tanya Van Cuylenborg. The young couple disappeared in 1987 after taking a ferry from Vancouver to Seattle and were later found miles apart, gagged, bound and brutally murdered. With a smattering of clues, but no real leads, the case was cold for 30 years. The episode includes interviews with Jay's parents, Gordon and Leona Cook; Tanya's brother, John Van Cuylenborg; Snohomish County law enforcement retired Sheriff Rick Bart and Detective Jim Scharf; and radio reporter Hanna Scott.

About The Genetic Detective TV Show Series - › shows › about-the-show
ABC News' all-new series, "The Genetic Detective," follows investigative genetic genealogist CeCe Moore as she uses her unique research skills to transform ...

which is basically same idea as Bloodline detectives

as an intruder theorists in The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

i embrace the latest advances in DNA science to solve actual crimes, in this case, The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey, by attempting to identify relatives of the DNA of distal stain 007

this is an example of the mentality of RDI
Mollie Chambers wrote:
Killer Conversations: JonBenét Ramsey’s ‘accidental’ death
From a seemingly staged crime scene to a three-page ransom note, JonBenét Ramsey’s murder case is truly puzzling. There are so many holes within this case it’s not hard to formulate my own theory behind her death.

On Dec. 26, 1996, Patsy Ramsey called the Boulder County Police Department to report that her six-year-old daughter JonBenét Ramsey had been kidnapped. Upon the police’s arrival, it was discovered that JonBenét Ramsey was not kidnapped — she was murdered.

This discovery lead investigators to search for a murderer who would never be found. However, I believe JonBenét’s killers were the ones who were supposed to love and protect her, her family.

While I do not believe the murder was premeditated, I do believe that her family intentionally covered up JonBenét’s accidental death. I suspect that Burke Ramsey, JonBenét’s brother, accidently killed his sister. Then after finding out, I believe Patsy and John Ramsey covered up the murder in order to protect their son.

Courtney Robbins Steilen
No, it was John and John alone who committed this murder and staged the botched kidnapping. It is really the only theory that stands up under close scrutiny.
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Dorothy Hagen
You'll regret typing out your shit!
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Craig Forester
I would have to disagree on that. I believe he had a very close relationship with his daughter. Astrologically they are quite compatible. It is her brother who Jon was likely murdered by in a fit of juvenile rage. Astrologically they are quite incompatible.
The Mother Patsy might have done the deed, but I believe she covered up for her son. The only question I have deals with the garrote. Was it used to distract from the skull fracture?
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Courtney Robbins Steilen
Craig Forester I disagree with you based on many points of evidence, logic, and practical inferences we can make about this case, not on astrology. However, I appreciate your polite disagreement and for not being a deranged nut job like Dorothy here.
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Misty Souders
I can you right now. It most certainly wasn’t Burke. He has been cleared way two many times. As a matter if fact he just won two major defamation suites. So if I were you I would not go public with that depubunked theory. Mom didn’t do. And she’s gone that only leaves dad. And he’s been cleared. As that old saying goes. It was The Perfect Crime
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Craig Forester
I was just curious how was Burke cleared?
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Dorothy Hagen
You are so goddamn stupid you shouldn't live! Yeah ... BURKE DID IT! Look stupid ass, how in the hell would he have made the strangle device ... hide the stun gun and controlled his sister well eonough to have dragged her downstairs, sexualy molest her and then kill her so silently as a TRUE FUCKING DEVIOUS PERVERT WOULD HAVE WITH SOME DAYS OF PLANNIG????? Anybody with half a brain would know that a crime of 'passion' or abrupt anger would be sudden violent and LOUD! Loud enough to have the attention of Mrs. Ramsey at the lest! You're a fucking IDIOT!
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Susan Brassfield Liederson
Miss, take a chill pill.. why such words we can and appreciate an opinion without coursing.
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KaLeigh Fowler
Dorothy, go to bed. You need ya meds. Getting too worked up now.
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Scot Cannon
I think that there iz abot a 60% chance that Burke hit her w a flash light and someone, probably the mother tried to cover up the crime.
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Kristina Burleson
geez all the hate for somones openion ppl need to grow up! crime scene was contaminated so we wont ever know speculation is stupid pointless to even think on...its all connected. I wont speculate I just pray that the little girl found peace somehow & that she never deserved any pain like that from whoever did it!may that person find his way to hell for sure! thanks for writing your article it was intersting theory. ...
Like · Reply · 1 · 2w
Mark Brodie
I agree. I think this is exactly (or very close) to what actually happened. I think it’s also possible that there was an element of incest on the part of her brother, but not positive. I can’t think of any other reason why John and Patsy Ramsey would put up such a united front over all those years unless they were protecting their son.
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Craig Forester
I likewise think that they were protecting Burke.
Like · Reply · 6d
Craig Forester
You are insightful and totally correct in all your assessments Mollie. I likewise believe it was Burke who committed the crime and did so in a fit of juvenile rage. His parents then tried to cover up his actions. The only thing I am somewhat puzzled by is the garrote. If Burke hit her with the flashlight and fractured her skull, was she dead at that stage or perhaps still breathing. Maybe John took his daughter to the basement and then ended her life there by strangling her, or maybe he took her there and she was dead already so he staged the murder by strangling her to be blamed on the would …See More
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Richard Dockery
I wonder if Jon was molesting his daughter and kill her to cover up the incestual behavior?
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Courtney Robbins Steilen
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Larry Labonte
Thanks Mollie for your story. I think you're absolutely right that her brother killed her in a fit of rage for stealing a piece of pineapple with the flashlight that was on the counter beside him. The biggest piece of evidance in this murder is the "Flashlight". Why do I say that? I heard that they tested the flashlight for finger prints.....and guess what "No Finger Prints" on it, and even more strange there were no finger prints on the batteries inside the flashlight either. Besides trying to stage her murder as a kidnapping with the made up ransom note.....this was their biggest mistake. Th…See More
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similar comments are to be found on websleuth ffj and reddit

one the intruder theorists are working with DNA science,

the other, using speculation as if it were facts, the RDI, seemingly completely ignorant of forensic science

perhaps this familial DNA leads to a suspect in Melbourne Australia What a Face

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 The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Empty Re: The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

Post by MurderMysteryReader Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:36 pm

I have seen 2 episodes of the Genetic Detective already and plan to see more. I think this kind of DNA will be done more and solve more crimes. They need to look for familial DNA in the death of JonBenet Ramsey. I hope that they are doing that. Although, I listened to a podcast with an expert on DNA from another country who advised taking new samples of DNA and running new tests. This expert also stated that because Colorado's climate is dry the DNA On evidence would still be there and viable. That way the perpetrator could be found and if alive be arrested and put on trial for death of JonBenet Ramsey if alive; that is. If not identified if he is dead. Here's to hoping it happens in our lifetimes.


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 The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Empty Re: The Genetic Detective and intruder theorists vs RDI on The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

Post by redpill Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:05 pm

MurderMysteryReader wrote:I have seen 2 episodes of the Genetic Detective already and plan to see more. I think this kind of DNA will be done more and solve more crimes. They need to look for familial DNA in the death of JonBenet Ramsey. I hope that they are doing that. Although, I listened to a podcast with an expert on DNA from another country who advised taking new samples of DNA and running new tests. This expert also stated that because Colorado's climate is dry the DNA On evidence would still be there and viable. That way the perpetrator could be found and if alive be arrested and put on trial for death of JonBenet Ramsey if alive; that is. If not identified if he is dead. Here's to hoping it happens in our lifetimes.

i've not heard from you in years. where have you been ?

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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