The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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It was a dark and stormy night Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am

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It was a dark and stormy night  Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am Empty It was a dark and stormy night Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am

Post by redpill Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:35 am

It was a dark and stormy night Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am

it is raining, rained off and on the whole day on Saturday and is now raining heavily.

It was a dark and stormy night  Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am Darkan10

I don't have any paranormal stories of my own to tell.

Earlier in the evening I heard a cat meow, but I did not actually see it. It happens every so often.

I would really like a time machine and revisit my childhood during a time when both my parents were alive, and healthy. My mom being much younger when I was a kid. I'd never imagine she'd develop dementia.

There is a paranormal phenomena called a time slip which is basically a time machine type event. Some people report somehow entering into another time period entirely, usually in the past.

I've not paranormal phenomena but I've seen the pileated woodpecker where I live, a humming bird, monarch butterflies, I hear cat meowing.

It was a dark and stormy night  Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 am Aud_gb10

In my dreams my mom is still alive and healthy, and it seems real, its only when I wake up I realize it was just a dream, and my mom is in fact dead.

its nighttime where i live and it is raining outside at a good clip.

my window screens are full of holes which lets wasps and hornets to fly in, but with the rain it is bug free.

earlier in the week it was as hot as 90F but today right now it is 66 °F
like 66°

a 24F degree difference in a week time.

I am looking out the window wondering if there is a UFO out there

one reason I'm interested in UFO is I wonder if they use their advance technology so I can engage in a time slip, with the UFO acting as a time machine. If they can travel faster than the speed of light it should be possible to travel backward in time. I want to meet my parents again alive and healthy. Basically, UFO as a kind of magic genie granting 3 wishes, via technology.


If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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