The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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bright red blood in stool :( are my days numbered?

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bright red  blood in stool :( are my days numbered? Empty bright red blood in stool :( are my days numbered?

Post by redpill Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:18 am

Sunday 1/21/24

My sleeping issue mostly resolved on its own. I can fall asleep for the most part.

But my latest health issue is that I have severe constipation and my poop has streaks of bright red blood.

I googled blood in stool and found

internal hemorrhoids

so I am learning about this and treatment.

For now, I will try using stool softeners and magnesium citrate to make my poop more easy to pass.

if that doesnt work I will see a doctor but this is one more b.s i have to deal with.

are my days numbered?


If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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