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iran israel war and biblical prophecy Sunday School with redpill

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iran israel war and biblical prophecy Sunday School with redpill Empty iran israel war and biblical prophecy Sunday School with redpill

Post by redpill Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:59 pm

Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:41 pm

I know of the Israel's war in Gaza and Hamas stemming from the Oct 2023 attack.

i click on my news and i see

CNN's coverage following Iran's strike on Israel

during my time as a Christian I would say the following issues discuss in church is also part of the secular world

evolution vs creationism
cultural conflict homosexuality, porn, drugs, witchcraft, rock music

end time biblical prophecy and specifically Israel and its conflict in the Middle East

so Israel attacks killed some diplomat from Iran, and so Iran response is to send missiles and drones.

And Christians believe this is the result of end time biblical prophecy and specifically the whole world will turn against Israel, but Jesus will return and save the Jews from nuclear annihilation.

I remember in the 70s-80s Israel and its conflict was discussed, such as the then current Palestinian intifada and Iran hostage crisis, and rumors of war.

According to the then current Christians end timers of the 70s and 80s, the Soviet Union was still standing and hostile, and they support Arabs. So there was to be essentially WW3 when the Arab nations, in the 80s, will attack Israel, it will go nuclear, the US will defend Israel, the Soviet Union will supply the Arabs, then there will be nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union, WW3, and Jesus will intervene and save the Jews and Christians by rapture.

Israel and Jerusalem is under God's protection. God created Israel after the Holocaust, Jews are God's Chosen People.

At the time I felt comfort that I was a Christian, in a community of Christians, we had God and Jesus behind us, and based on the Bible, we understood what was really going on beyond the news.

Well, we still have conflict in the Middle East.

Does Iran have nukes and will it drop them on Israel?

What a Face

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