The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey
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What leads do you propose in identifying the suspect DNA?

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What leads do you propose in identifying the suspect DNA? Empty What leads do you propose in identifying the suspect DNA?

Post by redpill Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:22 pm

This is in response to Aussieshiela and Rupert

What leads do you propose in identifying the suspect DNA?

my leads

1- has there been any crime committed since Dec 26 1996 that can be connected to Jonbenet?

AFAIK, no.

2- has there been any documents similar to the ransom note?

possibly, the OCCK Allan Letter. possible lead

3- has there been any crimes prior to Jonbenet that involve home intruder on a young child?

possibly, Mr. Cruel in Australia

4- has there been any leads regarding Secret Visit from Santa?

if Santa was someone who lives in Boulder, Bill Reynolds Santa has been cleared based on DNA. over 150 suspects who live in Boulder, CO, and DNA taken and all cleared, according to CNN and other sources.

if she got a phone call from Santa, then possibly Amy Mihalhavic

5- could Burke or JAR and a friend be responsible?

possibly. the friend of Burke or JAR DNA would be left behind in 3 locations.

What leads do you propose in identifying the suspect DNA?

If you only knew the POWER of the Daubert side

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